

  • 三亚
  • 5年以上
  • 学历不限
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 温馨的氛围
  • 完善的福利
  • 丰富的活动
  • 系统的培训
  • 优越的位置
  • 广阔的平台
  • 节日礼物
  • 员工生日礼物
· Develops the hotel’s HR strategy in conjunction with the mission, goals and objectives of the hotel and presents to Executive Committee
· 发展酒店人力资源部政策以使其切合酒店使命、目标和方向,并向行政委员会报告和负责
· Establishes at the property, the HUAYU HR framework including:
· 首先需确立以下工作框架
o The organization structure
o 组织结构
o HR Policies and Procedures
o 人力资源政策和工作程序
o Recruitment system
o 招聘系统
o Induction and Orientation procedures
o 入职培训程序
o Training procedures
o 培训程序
o Performance Appraisal system
o 工作表现评估系统
o Transfer and promotion procedures
o 内部调动和提升程序
· Develops a hotel succession plan
· 制定酒店接班人计划
· Designs HR forms, documents and processes
· 设计人力资源相关表格、文件和工作步骤
· Develops staffing policies in line with HUAYU guidelines
· 制定符合华宇集团指引要求的员工手册
· Conducts training for manages in HR specialty areas (recruitment; effecive roster costings; appraisals, etc )
· 主持人力资源相关内容的培训(招聘;合理的轮班;工作评估及其他)
· Assist Department Heads in customizing Job Descriptions
· 协助各部门经理制定工作职责
· Develops a reward and recognition system
· 建立奖励和认可机制
· Perform the role of adviser, consultant and councilor to management and staff
· 成为管理层和普通员工的咨询顾问Develop strategies to correct operational problems relating to staff (including absenteeism, turn over, retention, morale etc)
· 制定政策以处理与员工有关的运作性问题(包括旷工、人员流动率,人员持续性,员工凝聚力及其他)
· Manage industrial relations issues of the hotel
· 处理行业关系问题
· Manage workers compensation and rehabilitation and medical insurance
· 处理员工补偿,休养及医疗保险
· Develop and implement procedures for handling disciplinary and grievance interviews
· 发展和完善投诉机制及程序
· Establish relationships with external organizations including government training agencies; training consultants; private training providers and professional associations
· 建立与外部培训组织的联系,例如政府培训机构;培训顾问;私人培训项目以及其他专业机构
· Provide advice to the General Manager which will assist in the meeting of strategic objectives
· 为总经理的战略目标会议提供意见
· Manage the legal issues of the department
· 处理部门法律疑难
· Respond to requests for information from internal and external sources, including Corporate Office
· 处理来自内部和外部(包括集团办公室)的咨询
· Maintain remuneration scales in accordance with financial objectives
· 制定与财务计划相符合的薪酬标准
· Plan bonus, commission and incentive schemes for relevant staff
· 为相关员工制定奖金、佣金和奖励计划
· Ensures comprehensive and regular staff communication sessions
· 保证定期和全面的员工沟通会议
· Prepares efficient work schedules considering the hotel and labor requirements
· 制定完备的用工时间表以满足酒店工作需要
· Approves leave after considering hotel requirements
· 在满足酒店工作需要的前提下批准请假
· Manage fixed assets of the department
· 部门固定资产的管理


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 年龄要求:35-45岁
  • 语言要求:英语-熟练

