
Hygiene Assistant Manager - 食品卫生副理

  • 上海-浦东新区
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 技能培训
  • 管理规范
  • 人性化管理
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 工作在云端
  • 集团免费房
  • 提供食宿
  • 包吃包住
  • 岗位晋升
§ 与酒店清洁公司和卫生署密切合作。
Work Closely with the hotels nominated
cleaning supplies and hygiene consultants.
§ 监督餐务部和厨房的所有员工,确保他们遵守卫生条例。任何员工违反了卫生条例,应该向行政总厨汇报,之后落实总厨提出的改正建议。
Supervise stewards and kitchen staff and
ensures they are following all hygiene standards and practises. Any staff found
to be working in an unhygienic manner should be reported to the Executive Chef
who will advise action to be taken.
§ 团队协作,主动灵活待客,顾客至上,酒店的大局为重。
Work closely with other employees in a
supportive and flexible manner, focusing on the overall success of the hotel
and the satisfaction of hotel guests.
§ 定期检查厨房和各餐厅的卫生,发现问题及时向行政副总厨汇报(由行政副总厨决定解决办法)。
Performs regular hygiene inspections in
all areas of the Kitchen and food service areas and reports any wrong doings or
areas of concern directly to the Executive Chef (It is up to the Executive Chef
to take further action on any particular matter which may be of concern)
§ 确保餐饮部食品生产和服务的卫生。 
Ensures the hygiene standard of Food and
Beverage production and service within the Hotel.
§ 与当地的卫生和健康机构紧密合作并协调与酒店和政府机构的相关事宜。
Works closely with the local Hygiene and
Health authorities/ agencies and coordinates with all related matters that
involve the Hotel and the authorities.
§ 提供卫生管理建议,保持并不断完善酒店餐饮部的卫生标准。
Provides advice to the Management to
ensure the environmental hygiene. 
§ 协助并确保充分落实酒店的有害物控制条例。
Coordinates and ensures the
implementation of Pest Control programme in the Hotel. 
§ 与人力资源部紧密地合作,以确保所有的员工都参加身体检查并获得当地政府所要求的健康证。
Works closely with the Human Resources
to ensure all employees attend the medical check and obtain the necessary
Health Card as required by the local authority.
§ 采取一切必要的行动以确保酒店通过卫生检查并成功获取酒店的卫生执照。
Takes all necessary actions to ensure
the Hotel passes the Hygiene inspection and successfully obtains the necessary
Hygiene License for the Hotel.
§ 协调并协助人力资源部在需要的时候做好献血活动。
Coordinates and assists the Human
Resources in Blood Donation activities when necessary.
§ 完全按照并严格执行酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
To have a complete understanding and
strictly adheres to the Hotel Policies & Procedures related to Fire,
Hygiene, Health and Safety.
§ 协助培训部做好与健康、卫生有关的培训。
Assists the Training department in all
training activities related to Health and Hygiene.
§ 建立并落实厨房卫生标准。
Establishes and
enforces sanitation standards for the kitchen.

