
中餐厨师领班 Chinese Kitchen Demi Chef

  • 济南
  • 1年以上
  • 大专
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 包吃包住
  • 岗位晋升
  • 节日礼物
  • 领导好
  • 帅哥多
  • 美女多
  • 四人公寓宿舍
  • 月休8天
职位说明 Job Description:
1. 通过为客人和员工提供最优质的服务来体现万达文华的经营理念,永远保持积极向上的态度使团队保持凝力。
To reflect the Wanda philosophy by providing the highest quality of service to our customers and employees. By always adopting a positive attitude and keeping the team spirit at the highest level.
2. 无论何时,总是要微笑与客人和同事问候(无论前台或后台)。
To greet with a smile at all times to colleagues or guests anywhere in the hotel (front or back of the house).
3. 时刻保持员工良好的个人卫生,整洁的衣着和良好的个人形象。
To take pride in personal appearance for personal hygiene and uniform.
4. 检查所有餐厅和宴会多功能厅的摆台情况,确保按时为客人提供高标准的服务与食品。
To check all set-ups for restaurant and banquet functions. Responsible for the correct timing during service and to ensure that food served is always of the highest standards.
5. 随时检查已准备好的食品的味道与温度。
To constantly check the quality of food prepared with regard to taste and temperature.
6. 监督并全面实施根据配料卡和分肉试验而进行分量控制,使浪费和变质最小化。
To monitor and fully implement the portion control established with the recipe cards and the butcher test. To minimize waste and spoilage.
7. 检查库房和冰箱,做好正确储备和废物利用。
To check stores and refrigerators and be responsible for the proper storing and recycling of leftovers.
8. 严格按照卫生管理条例,达到最高标准。
To achieve the highest standard through strict adherence to the hygiene and sanitation rules.
9. 确保工作区域,工作台,厨房用具,包括雕刻板,切片机,搅拌器,混合器,刀具,炒锅,水壶,平底锅等用具的清洁卫生,符合SFSMS 标准。
To ensure that working areas, working tables, working utensils such as carving boards, slicer, mixers, blenders, cutters, woks, pots, pans etc. are cleaned and sanitised as per SFSMS policy.
10. 检查抽屉,迷你冰箱和Reach-in 冰箱,确保其干净整洁,内部食品在保质期内。
To ensure that the refrigerators and deep freezers, ceiling, walls, floors and shelving etc. are clean at all times.
11. 检查所有设备,确保所有设备正确保养和使用,与工程部共同跟踪设备的维修情况。要汇报设备使用不当情况,并给予相应的纪律处罚。
To check all machinery, ensure proper maintenance and usage of the equipment, and follow up with Engineering on work order forms. Misuse of equipment should be taken.
12. 确保员工在生产食品,操作设备和使用餐具时遵守安全卫生程序。
Ensure that staffs follow the hygiene and sanitation procedures when handling food/equipment/utensils.


  • 语言要求:英语-一般,中国普通话-精通
  • 计算机能力:一般

