

  • 重庆
  • 2年以上
  • 本科
  • 可提供住
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 技能培训
  • 包吃包住
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 年度旅游
  • 领导好
  • 美女多
审查销售部和前台的往来文件。分析客人历史和登记卡文件。研究客人问卷调查。审查政府关于城市游客的统计数据。分析竞争对手的销售 / 促销活动。研究各种参考资料和行业出版物以寻找销售线索。
· Produce the Annual Revenue Plan, Marketing Budgets and Forecasts
· Produce Action Plan related to the Revenue Plan to ensure Revenue Plan objectives are achieved
· Provides a professional, advisory support service to the General Manager
· Coordinate all methods of maintaining and increasing business volume. This includes advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity, community relations, special sales projects, etc.
· Create and implement special programs to achieve greater profitability through:
- Increasing average rate
- Increasing overall occupancy
- Increasing business volume during off-peak periods
- Increasing local Food & Beverage and Banquet Sales
· Enhance the image of the hotel in the local community
· Participate as an active member of the community through associations, memberships and other trade organizations
· Review regularly activity reports of Sales and Marketing personnel to ensure targets and Sales objectives are being met
· Review regularly internal promotion pieces for visual effect and ensure they conform with brand standards
· Organize and promote, in cooperation with the Food & Beverage Department special projects to stimulate Food & beverage sales within the community, including, but limited to, tournaments, balls, parties, gastronomic festivities, etc.
· Interacts with individuals outside the hotel, including, but not limited to clients, Convention Bureaus, local Hotel Associations, Government Tourist offices, Airlines, Travel Agents, Tour Operators, competitors and other members of the local community
· Investigate potential markets by:
- Reviewing Sales Department and Front Office correspondence files
- Analyzing guest history and registration card files
- Studying guest questionnaires
- Reviewing government statistics on visitors to the city
- Analyzing competition's sales/promotion efforts
- Studying various reference and industry publications for sales leads
· Recommend to General Manager the kind of advertising which will be most productive for the hotel by analyzing the market effectiveness of past advertising campaigns and consulting with other Department Heads and the Advertising Agency
· Procure new and repeat business for the hotel by maintaining contact with Airlines, Travel Agencies, Commercial Houses, Private Clubs and Professional Associations within the community and neighboring markets
· Review regularly the Public Relations activities to ensure high awareness of the hotel in the local and national media
· Manage the development of new products and services
· Oversee the development of new marketing strategies
· Conduct market research
· Maintain good communication with Regional Sales and Marketing personnel and implement corporate initiatives
· Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
· Works with GM in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 语言要求:英语-一般
  • 计算机能力:一般

