

  • 苏州-昆山
  • 1年以上
  • 大专
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 包吃包住
  • 技能培训
  • 节日礼物
· Monitors Housekeeping personnel to ensure guests receive prompt and courteous service
监督客房部工作人员,确保客人得到及时和礼貌的服务。· Monitor Housekeeping personnel to ensure rooms, and particularly those of IHG Rewards Club members, known repeat guests and other VIP’s receive special attention监督客房部工作人员,确保客房,特别是会员、熟客和其它贵宾的客房得到特别重视。· Informs other operating departments of Housekeeping matters, which concern notably the Front Office, to ensure accurate room status, in addition to communicating with Engineering and the Laundry除与工程部和洗衣房进行沟通外,还要向其它业务部门,特别是确保前厅部了解准确的客房状况。· Schedules routine inspections by supervisors, of all housekeeping areas including occupied and non-occupied rooms Inspects guest rooms in all Housekeeping areas on a regular basis to ensure furnishing, facilities and equipment are clean and in good repair, well maintained and replaced / refurbished as required定期对所有客房区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备按要求得到良好的清洁、修缮、保养和更换和整修。· Appraise appearance, discipline and efficiency of all staff under direct supervision and initiate immediate remedial action if necessary对所有直属下级的仪容仪表、守纪情况和工作效率进行评估。如有必要,可直接采取纠正措施。· Follows up on progress of agenda items covered in regular meetings跟进日常所提及的其他需要跟进的客房部的日常事务。· Works with the Assistant Executive Housekeeper on routine cleaning programs including spring cleans, etc与行政副管家一起管理例行清扫活动,包括春季大清扫等。· Supervise the implementation of housekeeping standards and procedures in relation to:
· Bedroom service臥室服务· Bathroom service卫生间服务· Valet service洗衣服务· Cleaning service清洁服务· Linen maintenance布草维护 · Recommended changes to these standards and training needs on an ongoing basis
就这些标准和培训需求提供持续性的改进建议。· Maintain a current and thorough knowledge of all housekeeping systems对客房部所有系统有最新和完整的知识。· Responsible for entering accurate room status into computer daily and investigate discrepancies 负责每天将客房情况准确的输入电脑并调查各种异常情况。· Maintains and update administrative data维护和更新管理数据。· Open and close the shift and ensure effective shift hand over负责管理接班和交班工作,以确保交接班过程的有效进行。· Maintains working area and equipment in a proper state of cleanliness and repair确保工作区域和设备得到良好的清洁和修缮。· Report guest complaints to Executive Housekeeper or delegate immediately及时向行政管家或其代理人汇报客人的投诉情况。· Conform all damage and losing item with operator.每天与总机和对房间丢失与破损的记录情况· Distribution and collection of keys分发和收集钥匙。· Management of all incoming and outgoing calls管理所有的呼入和呼出电话。· Solve employee grievances解决员工受到的不公正待遇问题。· Perform Room allocations分配客房· Perform Room inspections检查客房· Prioritise arrival rooms排列抵店客人客房的优先顺序。· Liaise with Front Office for guest and hotel requirements 配合前台满足酒店和客人的要求。· Ensure guest valet is processed and delivered in a timely manner确保及时为客人提供洗衣服务并送还。· Co-ordinate special projects (e.g. site rooms, vermin control, window and carpet cleaning, room inventories)协调特别项目(如参观客房,除虫,窗户和地毯的清洁,客房供应量)· Manage all special requests made by guests处理客人所有的特殊要求· Ensure consistency within the department确保部门内工作的一致性· Management of lost property for the hotel管理酒店的遗失财物· Ensure you have complete knowledge of room types, layouts and facilities确保具有客房类型,设计和设施的全面知识· Conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known进行交接班说明,确保了解酒店的工作和运营需求· Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs与上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求

