

  • 无锡
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 做五休二
  • IHG集团
  • 福利体检
  • 集团培训
  • 丰富员工活动
· Assists in managing theday-to-day operation of the Food and Beverage sections and informs the Directorof Food and Beverage or designate, of any major decision taken which did notrequire his/her action and any other relevant information
· 协助处理餐饮部门的日常事物,通报餐饮总监或其代理不需要其处理的主要决定和其它相关信息。
· Assumes the duties andresponsibilities of the Director of Food and Beverage or Food and BeverageManager in his/her absence
· 在餐饮总监或餐饮经理缺席时代理其职责。
· Controls and analyzes, on anon-going basis, the following:
· 持续性的控制和分析以下工作:
o Sales
o 销售
o Costs
o 成本
o Quality and presentation offood and beverage products
o 餐饮产品的质量和外观
o Service standard
o 服务标准
o Condition and cleanliness offacilities and equipment
o 设施和设备的状况和卫生
o Quality of entertainment
o 娱乐活动的质量
o Guest satisfaction
o 宾客满意度
o Marketing
o 市场
· Assists Manager in developingpopular menus and beverage lists offering guests value for money in accordancewith IHG guidelines.
· 协助经理按照洲际酒店集团的指导纲要制定深受欢迎且物有所值的菜单和酒水单。
· Assists Manager in planning andorganizing successful Food and Beverage activities in the hotel and overseas
· 协助经理在酒店和国外策划和组织成功的餐饮活动。
· Conducts daily briefings, Foodand Beverage Meetings and other meetings as needed to obtain optimal results
· 主持每日例会,餐饮部会议以及为获得最好成绩所需的其它会议。
· Attends and participates toother meetings as required by the administrative calendar
· 根据行政管理活动时间表按要求参加所有其它会议。
· Assists Manager in keeping anup-dated Hotel Policies and Procedures file and up-dated files on all Food andBeverage matters
· 协助经理更新酒店规章制度的文件及所有与餐饮部相关的文件。
· Assists Manager in setting Foodand Beverage goals and developing strategies, procedures and policies
· 协助经理制定餐饮目标和发展策略,工作程序和规章制度。
· Assists Manager in determiningthe minimum and maximum stocks of all food, beverage, material and equipment
· 协助经理确定所有餐饮,材料和设备的最低和最高存货标准。
· Assists Manager in settingsstandards of all food, Beverage and equipment purchases in accordance with IHGguidelines
· 协助经理按照洲际酒店集团的指导纲要制定所有餐饮和设备的采购标准。
· Participates in the preparationof the hotel's revenue plan and marketing programs
· 参与酒店的收入方案和市场计划的编制工作。
· Monitors local competitors andcompare their operation with the hotel Food and Beverage operation
· 监测本地竞争对手的餐饮运营情况,并与酒店进行比较。
· Maintains knowledge of trends,systems, practices and equipment in food and beverage through trade literature,hotel show and site visits
· 通过商业杂志和现场拜访不断的了解酒店和餐厅领域内餐饮准备和服务方面的潮流,系统,操作和设备。
· Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned
· 执行分配给的相关职责和特殊项目。
· Works with Manager on manpowerplanning and management needs
· 和经理一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
· Works with Manager in thepreparation and management of the Department’s budget
· 和经理一起编制和管理部门预算。

