Here at EAST BEIJING, we don't do ordinary things. We thriveon the different and the exciting, and yes perhaps a little quirky and withoutdoubt, fun. 嘿,这里是一个有意思的地方。我们爱不同,爱新奇,有很多古灵精怪的想法,每天都乐趣无穷。With a dynamicculture and an open door for your feedback, you're not just filling a role —you're owning it. We provide the training and the freedom for you to flourish,with leaders who support and encourage you. The difference is you. Everyday isa fresh page in our collective story.在这个充满活力的大家庭里,你随时都可以大胆说出你的想法,因为,你不只是员工,更是无可替代的主人翁!为了让你可以自由探索和成长,我们提供丰富多样的培训活动;此外,我们的管理团队也将全力支持你,成为你工作中的坚实后盾。我们相信,有了你的加入,一切都变得更有意义。还犹豫什么?与我们一起开启一段令人期待的旅程吧!Ready to joinus at EAST BEIJING?准备好加北京东隅了吗?EAST isn't herefor those who follow the crowd, but for the curious, the creative, and thesustainability-minded, seeking fresh alternatives to live, work, dine, andplay.Welcome toEAST, a different take on hospitality in tune with changing mindsets.东隅为这样一群人而来,他们从不盲从潮流,无论是工作、生活、饮食还是娱乐休闲,总是带着一颗好奇心去大胆尝试,追求新意,热衷于体验,拥抱可持续的生活方式。欢迎来到东隅,即刻展开你的新奇探索。...查看全部