

  • 镇江-京口区
  • 3年以上
  • 本科
  • 提供食宿
  • 凯悦关爱
  • 管理规范
  • 技能培训
  • 进修发展
  • 岗位晋升
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 包吃包住
  • 丰富活动
  • 免费住房
§ 确保文件和报告能合理归档以备将来参考。
Ensures all files and reports are properly filed for future reference.
§ 确保及时更新应付账款的未结账户并按字母表顺序排序。
Maintains an up-to-date alphabetical “Open Accounts” for Accounts
§ 通过世界旅行付款组织处理旅行社佣金的付款。
Processes travel agent commission payment through World Travel Payment
(WTP) program.
§ 保证非海外付款的旅行社佣金的付款。
Processes manual checks for Non-IATA travel agent commission payment.
§ 确保金护照中心定期收到金护照记录的数据、文件、奖励证明和补填的手工凭证。
Processes Hyatt Gold Passport data and sends files, Award Certificates
and Retroactive manual vouchers to Hyatt Gold Passport Office on a periodic
§ 调整应偿还的账目与应收对冲用以抵消我们的记录。
Reconciles reimbursements received for Award Compensation checking
against our records.
§ 跟进关于旅行社佣金及金护照计划相关的询问和问题。
Follows-up on issues and queries relating to Travel Agents’ commissions
and Gold Passport program.
Customer Service
§ 提供专业水准的服务,礼貌、细心地对待每位员工(内部客人)和外部客人。
Provides the appropriate level of professional, courteous and caring
service to other employees (internal customers) and other visitors to the
§ 确保下属能够始终提供礼貌而又专业的服务。
Ensures all subordinates provide a courteous and professional service at
all times.
§ 用礼貌高效的方式处理客人和员工的要求,如果没有及时对报告中的投诉和问题提出解决方案,要将该问题或投诉报告给上级主管,同时迅速跟进整个过程并给予及时反馈。
Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient
manner, reporting complaints or problems if no immediate solution can be found,
whilst feeding back a prompt follow up.
§ 与客人和同事在相处中保持积极良好的工作关系。
Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working
§ 理解并贯彻凯悦集团在应付账款管理上的职责范围,以便建立高效系统,跟踪应付账款并形成有效的现金流管理。
Understands thoroughly Hyatt International objectives in managing
Accounts Payable function so as to provide an effective system to track
Accounts Payable for effective cash flow management.
§ 根据会计部和控制部门的要求提供一个帐龄报告的汇总以作准备月报之用,确保酒店主要的供应商不流失并以最低的成本供货。
Provides a summary of the aging report required by the Accounting and
Control division to prepare monthly reports and ensure loyalty of key supplies
of the hotel, resulting in lower cost per unit.
§ 收集、在单据上盖日期章并归档所有被批准的采购文件的复印件(申购单,采购单,发货单,签过的收货记录等)为将来的报销做准备。
Obtains, date-stamps, and files copies of all documents that support
authorized purchases (PR’s, PO’s, Delivery Notes, signed Receiving Tickets,
etc) for future matching to invoices.
§ 处理每天的发票;即将发票与收货记录和被批准的相关支持文件相匹配。
Processes daily invoices; i.e. to match them to their supporting
authorisations and receiving records.
§ 准备帐户的分配。
Prepares account allocation.
§ 把大量的发票贴起来然后分送给各个部门的负责人批准。
Batches invoices, posts them and distributes them to Department Heads
for their approval.
§ 对比日常采购单与被批准的申购单之间的数量,单价等细节。
Compares details of quantities, unit costs, etc on regular purchase
orders to those on authorized purchase requests.
§ 根据市场报价单定期抽查食品和酒水项目的采购单,根据每天收货差异报告审查价格和数量 的差异情况。
Spot checks periodically internal purchase orders for food and beverage
items against their appropriate market lists. Audit price and quantity
variances as per daily Receiving Variance Report.
§ 检查账户分配的精确性。
Checks accuracy of account allocations.
§ 在实际准备支票之前,先给财务部总监或副总监提供一个应付账款欠款的明细,并提交一个报销计划。
Determines all payments due and to submit the disbursement schedule to
the Director of Finance/Asst Director of Finance for approval prior to the
actual preparation of checks.
§ 准备付款单据,与相关说明文件一起上交,以便批准和签字。
Prepares payments and submits them, with their supports attached, for
final approval and signature.
§ 为了应对紧急支付,发出并记录一些手工支票。
Raises and records manual checks for urgent payments.
§ 已收到货品和服务,但没有收到发票的,要准备预提。
Prepares monthly accruals for goods and services received, but not
§ 确保每月的明细账和月底实际盘存的实物账平衡。
Cooperates and assists in reconciling the month-end inventory book
balances to actual physical counts.
§ 确保员工行为与凯悦标准和国际凯悦财务运营手册的标准一致。
Directs employees to ensure productivity meets standards given in
accordance with Hyatt Design Standards and Criteria and the Hyatt International
Finance Operations Manual.
§ 注意提高生产力水平,在合理范围内谨慎控制工资和其他成本,并确保所有的设备的最佳使用和能源的节约。
Focuses attention on improving productivity levels and the need to
prudently manage utility/payroll costs within acceptable guidelines ensuring
optimum deployment and energy efficiency of all equipment.
§ 确保使用最新的科技和设备,利用新的系统工作以提高生产力水平。
Ensures new technology and equipment are embraced, improving
productivity whilst taking work out of the system.
§ 使会计员的工作能够更好的符合财务、营运和管理思想。
Develops Account Clerks to work following the operational, financial,
administrative philosophies.
§ 通过实用的管理,管理者能使会计员在她们的职责方面能与政策、程序和相应的法律相一致。
Through hands-on management, supervises closely all Account Clerks in
the performance of their duties in accordance with policies and procedures and
applicable laws.
§ 适当的代表和负责的装备和丰富会计员的知识,培养和使她们能更好的发展同时保证运行和安全也能顺利进行。
Delegates appropriately, duties and responsibilities to equipped and
resourced employees, nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of
operation and safety are maintained.
§ 应该支持和协助培训活动以使我们的技巧和知识能够得到提高。
Develops and assists with training activities focused on improving
skills and knowledge.
§ 确保雇员能够理解规章和制度以及她们的行为能够遵守这些。
Ensures employees have a complete understanding of rules and
regulations, and that behaviour complies.
§ 提高员工的积极性并建立相应回馈和个人的发展的机制。
Monitors employees’ morale and provides mechanisms for performance
feedback and development.
§ 参加员工每年一次的绩效管理评估,支持他们能够更好的完成个人发展目标。
Conducts annual Performance Development Discussions with employees,
supports them in their professional development goals.
§ 有效地沟通是所有的员工的指导原则和价值体现的核心。
Effectively communicates guiding principles and core values to all
levels of employees.
Other Duties
§ 在个人方面确保高水准的表达和装饰。
Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming.
§ 总是以负责的态度和积极的形象来代表酒店和凯悦国际形象。
Exercises responsible behaviour at all times and positively representing
the hotel and Hyatt International.
§ 在指示下,有责任转换财务部门在企业、公司和酒店之间的职能。
Responds to changes in the Finance function as dictated by the industry,
company and hotel.
§ 学习酒店的员工手册并特别要理解和坚持酒店的制度和规则,理解相关的防火、卫生、健康和安全方面的制度和程序。
Reads the hotel's Employee Handbook and have an understanding of and
adhere to the hotel's rules and regulations and in particular, the policies and
procedures relating to fire, hygiene, health and safety.
§ 当需要的时候,参加培训的课程和相应的会议。
Attends training sessions and meetings as and when required.
§ 完成任何其他合理的职责和被指派的职责。
Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 语言要求:英语-良好
  • 计算机能力:良好

