厦门明发国际大酒店由明发集团投资的国际五星级商务酒店。坐落于莲前商圈和国际会展区。得天独厚的地理位置,集商务会议、休闲度假、旅游观光于一体,是旅居厦门宾客的绝佳之选。酒店拥有装修精美的275套客房和套房,遵循人性化的设计理念,宽敞舒适、匠心独运,全新空间及尊贵服务将为宾客缔造方便愉悦的入住体验。同时拥有各色中、西、日餐厅,可容纳550人大型会议的多功能厅及6间大小各异的中、小型会议厅。这是一个旅客惬意的驿站,也是我们酒店人成长的摇篮。如果您对酒店行业十分热衷,欢迎成为我们的一员,开始你新的无限可能!Mingfa International Hotel was awarded as a five star hotel by Mingfa group on September 12th,2012.Its status as a 5 star hotel offers 30 floors,275 suites and rooms, unique Chinese, Japanese, western, restaurants and a bar. And the hotel also has multifunctional hall which 550 people can accommodate inside, and 6 meeting rooms. The hotel is located near Lianqian and the Exhibition Center area. This is the second home for our customers, and also a solid foundation for our staff. If you love to work in hotel, We welcome you to join us and start each day in a perfect new way!...查看全部