
Chief Engineer总工程师

  • 成都
  • 3年以上
  • 本科
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 包吃包住
  • 忠诚店龄奖
Manage themaintenance and repair of the hotel buildings, grounds and contents in acost-effective manner and ensure the efficient and safe operation of all plantand equipment.有效地管理酒店的建筑,室外地面和设施的维护保养,并确保所有设备有效安全的运转。
1. Organizesand administers the Engineering Department, ensuring that effective workcontrol and productivity are maintained, whilst using every means to increaseproductivity and reduce costs. Periodically assists in the reviewing of themanning figures, keeping a balance between under- and over-staffing so that allteam members are fully occupied during their hours on duty, whilst balancingthe need for overtime and the use of outside contractors accordingly.组织和管理工程部,确保有效的工作控制和保持高效率,用各种办法提高效率和降低费用。定期检查人员编制,保持适当的编制以便所有员工在工作时间内满负荷工作,同时平衡员工的加班和相应的使用外部承包商。
2. Directs and supervises the implementation of aneffective Trouble Report system, together with other day-to-day works ofgeneral maintenance and repair to ensure that the building, its contents andits surroundings are at all times in first-class condition throughout.Identifies and arranges for all work necessary to maintain a high standardwhether mechanical, electrical or civil, to be completed in good time.指导和监督实施有效的重大问题报告制度以及日常的维保工作,确保建筑物、设施和周边环境一直处在非常好的状态。在适当的时间安排对机械、电气和装饰维保,使它们处于良好的工作状态。
3. Ensures that a full preventative maintenanceschedule exists for every item of mechanical and electrical plant or equipment,including that of other departments such as laundry, kitchen, swimming etc. Aswell as major plant such as lifts, chillers, boilers, cooling towers, airhandling units and fans, pumps, automatic control systems, etc. Incorporatesthese schedules into the development of a comprehensive preventative maintenancescheme; directs and supervises the work of his team members and outsidecontractors in its continuous implementation.确保每个设备有完整的计划维保时间,包括其他部门如洗衣房,厨房,游泳池等。还包括电梯、制冷机、锅炉、冷却塔、风柜和风扇、泵、自控系统等,把这些维保计划综合为完整的维保计划。
4. Ensures that all items of plant and equipmentare operated in a safe and efficient manner, during the periods required and inaccordance with sound engineering practices. Closely monitors the effects ofservicing and maintenance on their condition wherever possible. Ensuring thatall records of maintenance and testing are kept.确保设备的所有部件安全有效的运行。如有可能,密切关注维保的效果。确保维修和试运转的记录。
5. The Chief Engineer is responsible fornegotiating terms and conditions for all manufacturers/agents and servicecontracts with the assistance of the Controller. The Chief Engineer isresponsible for budgeting and financial planning for the EngineeringDepartment. Must be aware of the hotels financial targets and have a commercialawareness of the financial plan. The Engineer is directly responsible to theManager of the hotel, for operation of the department according to thedepartmental financial plan and implement savings wherever possible withoutdetriment to safety or guest satisfaction.总工程师在财务总监的协助下负责所有维保合同的条款的洽谈;负责工程部的预算和财务计划。必须知道酒店的财务目标。直接对酒店经理负责,根据财务计划采取各项措施,在不影响客人舒适度和安全的情况下实施节能。
6. Co-ordinates and supervises the work of servicecontractors to ensure that the terms of all such contracts for major plant andsystems are fully implemented. Ensures that all outside contractors andin-house team member’s carry out their work, in accordance with and adherenceto company, local and regional health and safety at work criteria.协调和监督所有承包商的工作确保按合同内规定的内容全部完成。确保外来承包商和内部员工按照公司、当地的健康和安全要求来完成工作。
7. Prepares lists of spare parts and materialsrequired for the continued correct functioning of all items of plant andequipment, ensuring that an adequate stock is maintained. Organizes andsupervises Engineering Storeroom, in implementing and efficientstores/inventory control.准备设备和机房所需的备品和备件,确保充足的库存。组织和检查工程部的仓库,实施有效的库存管理。
8. Assists in assessing the long-term requirementsof the hotel, including overhaul/rehabilitation programs or renewal/replacementworks, etc. In conjunction with the Vice President, Engineering and Real EstateDepartment if applicable, advises the General Manager accordingly and assists indrawing up a comprehensive 4 or 5 yearcapital plan. Is responsible for remaining up-to-date with the latesttechnology and advising management on the potential impact on the hotel.协助评估酒店长期设施需求,包括检修计划或置换工作等。和副总裁一起给总经理相应的建议并起草4或5年的大宗费用计划。负责推广使用先进的技术并建议酒店管理层这些技术对酒店潜在的影响。
9. Studies and arranges for the implementation ofall Health and Safety, Energy Control and Management directives.研究和布置健康和安全,能源控制和管理的措施的实施。
10. Keepsup-to-date records of all test certificates/licenses such as, but not limitedto, electrical tests, pressure vessels, fire systems and panels, etc. Assiststhe Human Resources Manager in planning all team member-training needs for Fire/ Health / Safety and Security issues where applicable.保持更新的各种检查证件的记录,比如(但并不局限于):电的测试,压力容器试验,消防系统等。协助人事部经理计划对员工防火/健康/安全方面的培训。


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 语言要求:英语-一般,中国普通话-精通
  • 计算机能力:良好

