Analyze training needs of thehotel in general and individual departments, and develop strategies whichaddress needs, presenting in the form of a Training Business Plan for theGeneral Manager and Executive Committee for review分析酒店整体的和各部门的培训需求,针对需求制定策略,用培训业务计划书的形式呈交给总经理和行政委员会审阅。Familiarize yourself with theIHG HR and Training Standards, localizing where necessary 使自己了解洲际酒店集团人力资源和培训的规范,必要之处进行本地化处理Monitor the progress of theTraining Business Plan for each department tot ensure that the trainingobjectives are being achieved监督每个部门培训业务计划的进展,确保实现培训目标。Maintains all hotel trainingrecords 保存酒店全部的培训记录。Establish a training library ofbooks, videos, journals and audio visual materials to assist trainers in theirtraining programs and for staff personal development建立培训图书馆,配备书籍,录像,记录和视听资料来协助培训师的培训计划以及员工的个人发展。Design, produce and implementtraining programmes which meet specific departmental needs in conjunction withDepartment Heads, ensuring that training session plans are structured and thattraining is effective与部门领导一起设计、制定和执行能夠符合具体的部门要求的培训计划,确保培训课程方案的制定,以及培训的有效性。Attend departmental trainingsession and critique performance 参加部门的培训课程,评估表现。Use IHG benchmarks to monitorsuccess of training programs and amend your efforts accordingly. Eg: ESPS,GSTS, achievement of budget, etc利用洲际酒店集团的基本测量标准监测培训计划的成果,并进行相应的修改。如CAPS,顾客满意指标(GSI),预算完成情况等。Assist Department Trainers inpreparing and conducting departmental training and assess accordingly协助部门培训师准备和进行部门培训并进行评估Obtain a network of specialisttraining professionals who can assist with the conduct of training programmesfor advanced or specialist training与能够协助提供高级或专业培训的专业人士取得联系。Ensure that Department Headsabide by their responsibilities of employee training against departmental SOPs确保部门领导遵守自己的职责为员工提供有关部门规范程序的培Liaise with other IHG TrainingManagers to share experiences and resources与洲际酒店集团的培训经理们保持联系,交流经验,交换资源。Liaise with educationalinstitutions conducting hospitality and training courses同从事旅游服务和培训课程的教育机构保持联系。Maintain current informationand records of suppliers of training resources and materials更新培训资源和资料供应商的信息和记录。Delivers briefings of allinternal programmes to executive management and department heads为行政管理层和部门领导提供所有内部培训计划的介绍。Contributes towards regionalactivities as directed by Regional Director of Human Resources / GeneralManager 按照地区人力资源总监和总经理的指示为本地区的工作效力。Provides input for probationand formal performance appraisal discussions to Line Managers in line withcompany guidelines为按照公司的指导方针进行的正式的员工绩效考核和鉴定提供建议。Coaches, counsels anddisciplines staff, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance向员工提供工作指导、咨询,必要时对其进行批评处分,并提供建设性反馈意见以便提高工作绩效
1、3 years of relevant experience or similar supervisory role, or an equivalent combination of education and work-related experience.
2、Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office
3、Problem solving, analytical, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities.
4、Good writing skills
5、Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
6、Ihg training experience is preferred.
7、Have received systematic training, holding leadership, BI, CTC, GTC and other related training certificates.
- 国际联号工作经验:优先
- 国内管理公司经验:优先
- 年龄要求:25-40岁
- 语言要求:英语-熟练
- 计算机能力:熟练