§ 运用凯悦顾问式销售技巧和销售锦囊哲学贯彻专业的电话销售技巧
Ensures professional sales Calls using
Hyatt’s Consultative Selling principles and SMART Selling philosophies.
§ 运用餐饮销售数据资料考量并确定目标客户公司和政府部门,开展适当有效的销售策略争取扩大酒店的市场占有份额
Pre-qualifies and targets major
Companies and Government Departments, utilising Catering database and develops
appropriate and effective sales solicitation strategies to increase hotel’s
market share.
§ 根据既定目标计划电话销售
Carefully plans Sales Calls into defined
§ 充分了解酒店设施,特点及服务
Maintains a detailed knowledge of Hotel
facilities, features and services.
§ 专业地展开例行市场活动以确定新的商业机会
Professionally conducts routine
telemarketing activities to identify new business opportunities.
Meets and greets VIP guests upon
arrival/ departure.
§ 进行周期性市场调研和竞争者调查
Conducts regular Market Surveys and
Competitor Researches.