
Reservation Supervisor 预订部主管

  • 雅安
  • 2年以上
  • 大专
  • 提供食宿
1. Complete Hilton University courses and pass the tests.
2. Familiar with hotel product knowledge and activities. 熟悉酒店产品知识和活动。
3. Maximize room sales and revenue for the hotel, prioritizing up-selling. 实现客房销售和收益的最大化,其中以客房促销最为重要。
4. Check daily all new reservations, cancel or change reservations, make sure information passed to relative departments are correct. 每日检查当日所有新预定,取消或变更的预定,确保信息准确无误及时通知相关部门。
5. Check arrival guests or groups of 3-5 daily, making sure the guest information, requirements and price information is correct. 每日检查3-5日的预抵散客及团队预定确保客人信息,需求,价格等信息准确无误。
6. Perform duties of secretarial nature including preparing correspondence, maintaining files, sending faxes, email, etc.
7. Check daily all new reservations, cancel or change reservations, make sure information passed to relative departments are correct. 每日检查当日所有新预定,取消或变更的预定,确保信息准确无误及时通知相关部门。 8. Always maintain a sales attitude, not losing any sales opportunity in the hotel. 一直保持积极的销售态度,不错失酒店范围内的任何销售机会。
9. Develop the Reservations and Group & Tour teams to maximize revenue on all enquiries.
10. Make sure all commissions are correct and followed-up on promptly.
11. Make sure all reject business is filed with the reasons. 确保所有的被拒业务根据原因加以归档。
12. Ensure that all correspondence has been filed accordingly, with correct and updated information. 确保所有往来文件被及时归档,其信息准确无误。
13. Comply to the hotel credit policy and make sure all forecast revenues are met.. 遵守公司的信用制度并确保所有预期收益能被及时收取。
14. Comply with set rooms supply and price control. 遵守预先设定的客房供应及房价控制。 15. Maintain and update guests’ information and sales data by reservation procedures. 根据预定部相关流程,维护及更新客户资料和营销数据库。
16. Maintain high level guest service standards. 确保高水准的对客服务标准。
17. Ensure all information input is correct.. 确保与相关的所有信息输入准确无误。
18. Keep close attention to team members’ requirements, including attention to every team member’s workload and duties, to fulfil operation needs. 密切关注员工要求,包括注意预订部每位员工的工作量及员工排班,以最佳状况满足运作需求。
19. Maintain clean and tidy work areas at all times. 保持办公区域干净整洁。
20. Comply with all company policies relating to reservations.. 遵守所有公司关于预定部的规定。 21. Comply with all systems and procedures as laid down by the hotel. 遵守酒店制定的所有制度和程序。
22. Prioritize the quality of reservations.. 将预定的工作质量永远放在首位。
23. Strictly follow brand standards. 严格遵守品牌服务标准。
24. Prioritize the quality of reservations.. 将预定的工作质量永远放在首位。
25. Ensure that all team members have a complete understanding of and adhere to the hotel’s team member rules and regulations. 确保员工充分的理解并遵守员工手册内容。
26. Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned. 完成分配的其他合理职责。
27. The Management reserves the right to make changes to this job description at its sole discretion and without advance notice.. 如有必要 ,该部门有权更改或补充该职位描述。


  • 语言要求:英语-良好
  • 计算机能力:良好

