§ 为工程部总监提供管理上的支持,并确保适用于行政管理功能的各项酒店制度、标准、程序的贯彻执行。
Providesadministrative support to Director of Engineering and ensures theimplementation of hotel policies, standards, and procedures as they apply tothe administrative functions.
§ 阅读及按规定处理来信。
Reads and routesincoming mails.
§ 正确归档并存放所有应由工程部总监回复的文档及信件。
Locates and attachesappropriate file correspondence to be answered by Director of Engineering.
§ 打印、归档和保存所有与部门有关的私人及机密资料。
Types, file, andupkeeps all private and confidential matters related to the department.
§ 建立一个系统化及高效率的书面文档及电子文档的存档系统,以便进行快速的检索。
Sets up a systematicand efficient filing system, both for hard files as well as all electronicdata, that enables quick retrieval.
§ 确保所有文档的及时更新。
Ensures all filesare kept up-to-date at all times.
§ 为工程部总监准备会议所需的相关材料,包括:每日营运会议、行政委员会会议、部门会议和其他会议。
Prepares therelevant materials for all meetings attended by the Director of Engineering:Daily Operations Meeting, Executive Committee Meetings, Departmental Meetingsand ad hoc meetings.
§ 应答电话并提供给来电者相关信息,或将电话转接给适当的职员和拨打外线电话。
Answers telephoneand gives information to callers or routes call to appropriate official andplaces outgoing calls.
§ 接待访客,了解拜访原因,并引导访客至合适的相关人员或雇主处。
Greets visitors,ascertains nature of business, and conducts visitors to employer or appropriateperson
§ 编制及打印统计报表。
Compiles and typesstatistical reports.
§ 复印信件及其他打印的资料。
Makes copies ofcorrespondence or other printed matter.
§ 准备对外信件。
Prepares outgoingmails.
§ 打印,做笔录及会议纪要,草拟、归档、跟进、书写信件。
Types, takesdictation and minutes, drafts letters, files and traces, and composescorrespondence.
§ 维护部门时间记录和日程表。
Maintainstimekeeping records and schedules for the department.
§ 参加部门员工会议并准备会议纪要。
Attends and preparesminutes for Division associates’ meetings.
§ 监管并维护工程部工作区域的整洁有序。
Monitors andmaintains the proper appearance of the office area.
- 国际联号工作经验:优先
- 语言要求:英语-熟练
- 计算机能力:精通