

  • 广州
  • 经验不限
  • 本科
  • 提供食宿
§  建立有效精确的文件归档系统,纸质以及电子版都应时刻保存
Ensures that an efficient and accurate filing system, both manually as well as electronically is maintained at all times.
§  保持对所有销售协议、合同和酒店报价的完整记录
Maintains complete and supported records of all Sales Agreements, Contracts and Quotations for the hotel.
§  建立有效的文档跟踪系统,保证所有预订交易信息适当保存并可跟踪查找。
Establishes an efficient trace File to ensure that all business booked is properly tracked.
§  协助准备销售报告
Assists in consolidating and preparing Sales report.
Customer Service
§  在必须时招待来酒店实地考察的客人
Entertains and conducts hotel inspections to clients whenever required.
§  建立并保持与确定客人的紧密联系,时常发掘新的商业机会
Establishes and maintains strong relationship with the established clientele and constantly explores into new business opportunities.
§  与有关运营部门紧密联系合作,保证满足客人需求和期望
Liaises and works closely with the related operation departments ensuring guest's requests and expectations are being met.
§  礼貌有效地处理客人与员工的咨询,向有关人员报告出现的问题和投诉。如果无法马上解决问题,保证及时对问题必要跟进
Handles guest and employee enquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems.  If no immediate solution can be found, to ensure that the necessary follow-up is conducted in a timely manner.
§  保持对客人和同事的正面互动和良好工作关系
Maintains positive guest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
§  仔细计划将销售咨询电话转变成详细的工作目标
Carefully plans Sales Calls into defined objectives.
§  协助进行广泛的竞争者研究,保证对酒店产品良好认知
Assists to conduct extensive competitor research and maintains excellent Product Knowledge of the Hotel.
§  通过电话销售、合同和文字联系方式等手段保证酒店高知名度
Ensures a high level of exposure for Hotel through direct sales solicitation via telephone, contracts and written communications.
§  专业地进行常规电话销售,开发新客户
Professionally conducts routine telemarketing activities to identify new accounts.
§  确保所有指定客人账户信息被定期在记录中和在电子数据库系统中更新
Ensures that the relevant information of all allocated Accounts is being updated regularly in the record or electronic database system.
§  在销售总监/销售副总监/销售经理/销售主任不在办公室期间应答所有电话和咨询,保证精确并及时地接收并向相关经理传达信息及口讯。
In the absence of the Director of Sales /Associate Director of Sales/ Sales Manager/ Sales Executive, responds to all telephone calls or inquiries, ensures information/ messages are accurately received and relayed to the managers concern in a timely manner.
§  根据要求跟进销售总监/销售副总监/销售副总监/销售经理/销售主任要求或指派的销售机会或任务
Follows up sales leads whenever required or assigned by the Director of Sales /Associate Director of Sales/ Sales Managers/ Executives.
§  及时准备、编辑和分发周度/月度报告
Prepares, compiles and distributes the weekly/ monthly reports in a timely manner. 
§  集会和活动等原始记录要正确保存
Ensures the activities/ events log book is being accurately maintained.
§  协助编辑市场调查和竞争者研究报告
Assists in the compilation of Market Surveys and Competitor Researches report.
§  协助向索取酒店信息的客人分发相关材料
Assists in the distributions of relevant hotel information to clients when required.
§  协助/参加突击销售活动
Assists/ participates in sales blitz.
§  与确定的客人保持良好联系,在必要时尽可能提供帮助
Maintains good relationship with the established clientele and provides all necessary assistance when required.
§  与相关运营部门紧密合作确保满足客人需求和期望
Liaises and works closely with the related operation departments ensuring guests needs and expectation are being met.
§  准备并保证客人预订的所有集会和活动被及时分派到相关部门.
Prepares and ensures all Events Orders are distributed to concerned department on a timely manner.
§  在销售总监销售/销售副总监/销售经理/主任不在办公室时协助跟进所有事务
Assists the Director of Sales/Associate Director of Sales/ Sales Manager/ Executives to follow up on all matters in the absence of the Sales Manager/ Executives.
 §  在职时确保总是向外界传达专业并且适当的形象
Ensures that a professional and appropriate image is projected at all times while on duty.
§  保证进行专业电话销售时使用凯悦咨询型销售原则和凯悦销售锦囊
Ensures professional Sales Calls using Hyatt’s Consultative Selling principles and SMART Selling philosophies.
§  确保根据确定标准高效、一致并礼貌地完成为客人提供的服务,详情请见部门运营手册
Ensures services provided are always carried out according to defined standards with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy as detailed in the Department Operation Manual.
§  拥有对酒店设施、特色和服务的详尽知识
Maintains a detailed knowledge of hotel facilities, features and services.
§  在销售人员不在时协助销售人员跟进所有事宜
Assists Sales Buddy to follow-up on all matters in the absence of Sales Buddy.
§  进行广泛的竞争者调查、保持对酒店产品的详尽了解
Conducts extensive competitor researches and maintains excellent Product Knowledge of the hotel.
§  协助人本品牌理念的实行,示范并增强凯悦价值观与文化特色
Supports the implementation of The People Brand, demonstrating and reinforcing Hyatt’s Values and Culture Characteristics.
Other Duties
§  保证高标准的仪态妆容
Ensures high standards of personal presentation and grooming.
§  在任何情况下用负责的态度处理事务,展现酒店和凯悦国际的正面形象
Exercises responsible behaviour at all times and positively representing the hotel management team and Hyatt International.
§  对由行业、公司和酒店导致的行销企划功能变化做出反应
Responds to changes in the Sales function as dictated by the industry, company and hotel.
§  理解并严格执行员工手册中的规章制度、以及酒店其他如消防安全、食品清洁、安全健康等政策
Reads the hotel's Employee Handbook and have an understanding of and adhere to the hotel's rules and regulations and in particular, the policies and procedures relating to fire, hygiene, health and safety.
§  出席所要求的培训课程及会议
Attends training sessions and meetings as and when required.
§  执行其他分派的合理职责
Carries out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.


  • 语言要求:英语-熟练

