§ 持有C1驾照
§ 2年以上驾驶经验
§ 熟悉大湾区路况
§ 根据礼宾部主管指派,准时接送客人和酒店员工至机场或指定地点。
Sends and picks up guest and hotel associates
from/to airport or any designated place punctually, as assigned by Team Leader
– Concierge.
§ 上班前检查车辆,将车辆的任何不确定状况汇报给礼宾部主管以采取必要的行动。
Checks/Inspects vehicle before starting the
shift, reports any unsure condition of the vehicle to the Team Leader – Concierge for necessary actions.
§ 高效地运输客人的行李和酒店货物。
Transports guest’s luggage or hotel goods in an
efficient manner.
§ 维护并清洁所有的车辆和设备,以保持专业的形象。
Maintains and cleans all vehicles and equipment
to maintain a professional image.
§ 必要时指引客人和访客至酒店设施。
Directs guests and visitors to any of the
Hotel’s facilities when necessary.
§ 驾驶任何酒店的车辆,都要依照法规谨慎驾驶,确保不超速行驶。
Drives any hotel vehicles in a careful and
law-abiding manner, ensuring that speed limits are never exceeded.
§ 为到店/离开的客人装卸行李
Loads and unloads guest’s luggage for arriving
and departing guests.
§ 协助保存客人行李,确保正确的处理、储存及、安全性和遵守程序。
Assists all guests with luggage storage,
ensuring the proper handling, storage, security and procedures are followed.
§ 协助阻止未经授权的车辆在行车道上停放。
Assists in preventing unauthorized parking in
§ 协助阻止闲散人员和不受欢迎的人随意进入酒店。
Assists in prevent entrance of unauthorised or
undesirable persons.
§ 主动为客人开/关车门,并问候客人。
Opens Hotel/ car doors, welcomes and greets
guests and visitors when opportunity arises.
§ 指挥酒店车道的交通。
Directs traffic in the Hotel’s driveway.
§ 需要时协助酒店其他部门。
Assists other departments as requested.
§ 确保所有车辆钥匙的妥善保管。
Ensures the safe keeping of all vehicles’ keys.
§ 根据汽车保养计划,将车辆送至指定的养护中心。
Sends vehicle to the designated Service Center as per
the Servicing Schedule.
§ 对于不能立刻解决的投诉与问题需汇报给礼宾部主管/副理。
Reports complaints or problems to Team
Leader/Assistant Manager – Concierge if no immediate solution
can be found.
§ 确保始终有销售员的意识,把握酒店内的销售契机。
Ensures a sales attitude is adopted at all
times and maintains an awareness of all sales opportunities within the Hotel.
§ 确保高度了解酒店产品知识及当地信息。
Ensures a high level of product knowledge of
hotel and local area.
§ 确保将客人或其他部门的相关反馈通报给礼宾部副理/主管。
Ensures the Assistant Manager/Team Leader – Concierge is kept fully aware of any relevant feedback from either customers or
other departments.
§ 确保具有高水平的酒店产品知识,以便在机会出现时,宣传/销售客房、餐厅及其它设施/活动。
Be knowledgeable and promotes/upsells Rooms,
Outlets, transportation and other facilities/ programmes whenever opportunities
§ 遵循房务部的所有系统和程序。
Complies with all systems and procedures as
laid down by the Rooms Division.
§ 对酒店所提供的服务有全面的了解。
Has a thorough understanding of all the
services offered by the Hotel.
§ 阅读有关礼宾部的所有通知。
Reads all memos concerning the Concierge.
§ 正确记录和更新车辆保养和维修记录。
Accurately maintains and updates the Vehicle
Servicing and Maintenance Record Book.
§ 按要求出席所有会议并做出贡献。
Attends and contributes to all Meetings as
§ 始终提供礼貌和专业的服务。
Provides courteous and professional service at
all times.
§ 熟悉并严格遵守各项交通法规。
Familiars with and strictly adheres to all
Traffic Rules & Regulations.
§ 根据安排参加酒店培训课程,以提高工作技能及知识。
Attends hotel and departmental training
sessions as scheduled to improve skills and knowledge.
§ 礼貌而高效的处理客人和员工询问,对不能立即解决的投诉和问题进行汇报,并及时回馈和跟进。
Handles guest and associate enquiries in a
courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problems if no
immediate solution can be found, whilst providing feedback for a prompt follow
§ 了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
Is knowledgeable in statutory legislation in
associate and industrial relations, understanding and strictly adhering to
Rules & Regulations established in the Associate Handbook and the Hotel’s
policies concerning fire, hygiene and health & safety.
§ 确保高标准的个人形象和仪容仪表。
Ensures high standards of personal presentation
& grooming.
§ 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。
Maintains positive guest and colleague
interactions with good working relationships.
§ 依照酒店的“失物招领”程序,处理并上报“失物招领”物品。
Handles and reports “Lost and Found” items
according to the Hotel “Lost and Found”.
§ 根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。
Respond to requests to undertake any reasonable
tasks and secondary duties and to changes as dictated by the hotel, industry
& company.
§ 能应对工作职责的变化。为了满足营业及客户服务需求,也许会有工作职责的变动,包括调任至其他部门/地区。
To be flexible in
your job function and perform any other reasonable duties and responsibilities
which may be assigned to you, including redeployment to other departments/areas
if required, in order to meet business demands and guest service needs.
§ 酒店依靠员工的灵活性以保证已达到的高标准的持续性。因此,此份工作职责仅作为最常用的工作职责的指南,如有需要,可进行修改和调整。
The Hotel relies
upon the flexibility of its associates to ensure the continuity of the high
standards currently being achieved. As such, this job description is only
intended to be a guide to the most regularly performed duties and is subject to
amendment and change as may be considered necessary from time to time.