1. Create and implement the necessary marketinginitiatives with Director of Marketing in order to reach those objectives.
2. Developing and increasing online channelsthat will improve the overall revenue for the property and customer matrix.
3. Evaluating the performance of our On-line siteand give suggestions for how to promote and improve the presence of the hotelon the web, with the intention of increasing number of bookings and keeping thewebsite up to date.
4. Identifying and evaluating new marketingopportunities to increase direct internet traffic as well as monitoring theonline presence as well as rate position of immediate competitors.
5. Manage OTA partnerships for long-termmutually beneficial relationship through regular contact and Ensure hoteltraffic, reach and productivity on OTA sites.
通过定期维护 OTA 合作伙伴关系以建立长期互利关系,并确保酒店在 OTA 网站上的流量、曝光面和产量。
- 国际联号工作经验:优先
- 年龄要求:23-35岁
- 语言要求:英语-良好
- 计算机能力:熟练