1. 厨房整体运作团队奉献精神,当同事需要帮助时能提供帮助
Contributes and works as a team in the general operations of the kitchen(s), offering to assist fellow colleagues when required
2. 随时保持专业和友好的态度
Always maintains a professional and friendly attitude
3. 根据酒店仪容仪表标准确保一个干净专业的形象
Ensures a clean, professional appearance according to hotel grooming standards
4. 熟练掌握厨房所有电气设备的使用并观察安全谨慎地处理
Acquainted and familiar with the use of all electrical and mechanical equipment in the kitchen and observes the safety precautions when handling them
5. 服务优先
Ensures that mise-en-place is completed prior to service