杭州奥克斯中心皇冠假日酒店坐落在未来科技城备受瞩目的摩天建筑——奥克斯中心总部大楼内,可饱览中央公园自然风光和城区繁华景致的交融之美。作为国际高端酒店品牌之一,我们以专业、高效、灵活和彰显人性化的服务理念,助您平衡工作与生活,激发您的灵感,助您开启摩登商旅新时代。Crowne Plaza Hangzhou Science City is located in the AUX Center marquee skyscraper, where it features panoramic city views that overlook the beautiful greenery of Central Park.As an international upscale hotel brand, we provide thoughtful design along with guest-focused services that help modern business travelers be productive, inspired and restored in pursuit of a successful work-life balance....查看全部