安装、维护和维修物品Install, Maintain, andRepair Items携带所有设备 (如钥匙、手机、寻呼机、工具、对讲机),以便随时保持执行工作任务的准备。Carry all equipment (e.g. keys. phones. paper.tools. radio) in order to maintain preparedness to carry out work tasks at alltimes.响应并处理客人的维修要求。Respond and attend to guest repair requests.利用适当的方法和清洁用品,妥善整理所有维修和上油漆的区域。Organize all painting and maintenance areasproperly utilizing the appropriate methods and supplies.清洁所有工具和设备,返回工作间并固定在适当的区域。Clean all tools and equipment and return to theshop and secure in the proper area.清洁、润滑、保护和维护酒店内的所有工具和设备。Clean, lubricate, protect and otherwise maintainall tools and equipment in the hotel.识别、定位并操作设备的所有截止阀。Identify, locate, and operate all shut-off valvesfor equipment.及时进行预防性维护。Perform preventive maintenance in a timely manner.维护楼宇和酒店Maintain the buildingsand the Property立即向经理/主管报告任何严重的维修问题,异常发现或安全隐患。Report any serious maintenance problems, unusualfindings, or safety hazards immediately to the manager/ supervisor.维护记录或工作日志Maintain Records orLogs使用计算机管理系统,保持预防性维修记录、安全检测和巡查。Maintain the preventive maintenance records,inspections, and rounds using a computer management system.保持适当的零件、材料、设备、工具和履行其工作所需的维修用品库存。Maintain a proper inventory of parts. materials.equipment. tools. and supplies necessary to perform his/ her job.维护维修清单,并根据需要申购零件和用品。Maintain maintenance inventory and requisitionparts and supplies as needed.根据批准的沟通程序和标准,确保将每天的情况和发生的问题传达给其他班组。Assure each day' s activities and problems thatoccur are communicated to the other shifts using approved communicationprograms and standards.根据检查和巡查程序,阅读、记录、跟踪和解释来自仪表、量具和其他测量装置的读数。Read. log. track and interpret readings frommeters. gauges and other measuring devices in accordance with inspection androunds procedures.协助收集预防性维护检查记录的数据。Assist in the compilation of data for preventivemaintenance inspection records.