
Director of Sales and Marketing

  • 全国
  • 10年以上
  • 大专
  • 提供食宿
  • 全球80家
  • 度假村酒店
  • 一价全包
  • 海外工作机会
  • 每年轮换酒店
  • 大中华区3家
  • 多元化团队
  • 员工全球免费
  • 五险一金
  • 岗位晋升
Develop and implement sales and marketing strategies for the hotel to ensure revenue and room night sales goals are achieved, sales and marketing strategies are set, tactical plans are created and implemented, and results are monitored and achieved.
Manage hotel Operations and other relative challenges for pre-opening and opening.
财务回报Financial Returns:
• 在预算内达成营收目标和员工销售目标,使利润率最大化。参与制定部门年度预算、酒店的营销计划、经营及财务计划。
Achieve budgeted revenues and personal/team sales goals and maximise profitability. Participate in the preparation of the annual departmental operating budget, the hotel marketing plan and business plan, and financial plans.
• 拟定并执行销售计划,推动客房入住率明显上升,提高平均房价,提升业务量,增加餐饮和宴会销售。
Create and implement sales plans that drive measurable incremental occupancy, increase average rates, increase volume, food and beverage and banquet sales.
• 审核每月报表和销售预测报告,分析当前和潜在营销趋势,协调各种活动增加营收与市场份额,并监督进展,确保业绩达到或优于既定营收计划。
Review monthly reports and sales forecasts to analyse current/potential market and sales trends, coordinate activities to increase revenue and market share and monitor performance to ensure actual sales meet or exceed established revenue plan.
• 制定、开发各种特别活动和销售活动,向潜在客户推广酒店业务。参加贸易展以及全国和本地大型营销活动,增加新业务机遇,为酒店提升营销机会。
Create and develop special events and sales blitzes to showcase
• 主管日常销售活动事务,计划并分配工作,为每个员工设定工作绩效目标。为员工提供教导、辅导并给予定期反馈,协助解决各种员工矛盾,提高员工绩效,并对员工优异的工作表现予以认可。
Direct day-to-day sales activities, plan and assign work, and establish performance and development goals for team members. Provide mentoring, coaching and regular feedback to help manage conflict, improve team member performance, and recognise good performance.
• 对酒店营销部门员工进行教育、培训和激励,促使酒店营收目标得以达成。确保员工获得完成工作职责所需的信息、市场数据以及各种工具与设备。
Educate, train and motivate sales and marketing teams to achieve hotel revenue goals. Ensure staff has the information, market data, tools and equipment to successfully carry out job duties.
• 同关键客户和外部相关人员(如:宾客、航空公司、批发商、旅行社、广告商、本地社区团体)建立联系并保持联络,借此增加团体及会议业务量,包括客房销售、餐饮销售和宴会服务等。
Develop and maintain relationships with key clients and outside contacts (example: guests, airliners, wholesalers, travel agencies, ad agencies, local community groups) in order to produce group and/or convention business, to include room sales, food and beverage sales, and catering/banquet services.
宾客体验Guest Experience:
• 为宾客提供各种信息(如:忠诚计划、本地景点、餐厅、设备信息),以提升宾客体验。
Provide guests with information (example: loyalty programmes, area attractions, restaurants, facility information) to enhance guest experience.
• 安排酒店会议及业务团队活动,同其它酒店级部门协调,共同完成销售部门同潜在客户达成的协议中所规定的各项服务。
Schedule conventions and/or business group activities at the hotel and coordinate with other hotel-level departments to facilitate services agreed upon by the sales office and prospective clients.
• 同有关部门交流所有相关信息,包括即将抵达的贵宾、大型团体或其他重要宾客的要求和特殊需求。
Communicate to appropriate departments all pertinent information
requirements and special needs for arriving VIP’s, large groups,
• 主管各种营销活动,增销各种酒店服务、产品及设施。
Lead marketing efforts to upsell guests on hotel services, offerings, and amenities.
企业责任Responsible Business:
• 发现降低营销效果和酒店整体销售情况的运营问题,同相关部门协作共同解决。
Identify operational problems that reduce the effectiveness of marketing activities and overall hotel sales performance and work with appropriate department on solutions.
• 提升酒店与品牌在本地的知名度,有时可能需要作为酒店代表接受媒体采访等。
Develop awareness and reputation of the hotel and the brand in the
local community, may serve as the hotel representative for media
related inquiries.
• 同本地社会团体的业务领导、官员和代表保持密切联系,确保酒店能经常获得高规格的曝光度。
Work closely with key business leaders, officials, and representatives of local community groups within the city to ensure constant high profile exposure for the hotel.
• 若同广告机构、咨询公司和其它供应商开展合作,扩大广告投资效益,确保广告体现品牌形象。
Work with advertising agencies, consulting firms, and vendors to
maximise advertising investments and ensure ads represent brand


  • 语言要求:英语-良好