
万能工Engineering PMM

  • 福州-仓山区
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 包吃包住
  • 人性化管理
  • 领导好
  • 美女多
· Providespecial expertise and handle all repair and maintenance of various electricalsystems
· 为各类电气系统提供专业支持并处理所有相关的维修和保养
· Providespecial expertise and handle high voltage electrical systems as required.
· 需要时,为强电电气系统提供专业支持和维修。
· Attendsto repairs and maintenance of electrical circuits in all areas of hotelcontrol.
· 酒店所有区域电路的维修和保养
· Attendspreventive maintenance on electrical panels/ equipment.
· 配电板/电气设备的预防性维修
· Attendsto all types of repair and maintenance work in the Hotel premises including anynew additions / extensions to the Hotel or any other properties maintained bythe Hotel.
· 处理酒店范围内的各类维修和保养工作,包括酒店的新增和延伸设施或由酒店提供维修保养的任何其他物业。
· Advisesimprovements to the present system in order to optimize the operatingefficiency and economy of the said system.
· 对现有的系统提出改进建议,从而优化该系统的运作效率和经济节约。
· Participatesin Hotel Energy Conservation Program.
· 参加酒店节能计划
· Attendsto all work request and repairs and maintenance works
· 处理所有工作请求和检修工作
· Use initiative and foresight toundertake tasks outlined within the preventative maintenance program withoutthe direction of the Shift Engineer/Chief Engineer.
· 在没有当班工程师/总工程师指导的情况下,主动并预见性地实施预防性维修计划中规定的任务。
· Responsiblefor servicing and attending to repairs on various types of equipment such aslaundry equipment, kitchen equipment, heating, ventilating and air conditioningequipment, including motors, pumps, fans, water treatment plants, sewagetreatment plant and electricity generators, electric lights & powers, CCTV,telephone, TV, fire lives and safetyequipment & system.
· 负责各类设备的检修和相关服务,如,洗衣设备、厨房设备、加热设备、通风和空调设备、包括发动机、泵、风扇、水处理装置、污水处理装置和发电机、电灯和供电、CCTV、电话、电视、消防、生命与安全设备和系统。
· Attend all on job training inaccordance with the departmental standards and procedures
· 根据部门标准和程序参加所有在职培训
· Attendall types of various technical skill training
· 参加各种类型的技术技能培训
· Ensuresthat house rules are followed and obeyed.
· 确保遵守和奉行内部的规定。
· Ensurespunctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate staff.
· 确保所有下属员工准时出席和遵守工作日程表。
· Ensuresthat personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed. Does spotchecks in the morning.
· 确保遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。在早晨进行抽查。
· Ensuresall Engineering Standards and Procedures as issued from time to time arefollowed.
· 确保遵守不定时发布的所有工程标准和程序。
· InsureHotel Rules and Regulations are fully followed, avoid any of the followings, but not limited to:
· 确保完全遵守酒店规章和规定,避免发生以下任何一种情况,但不仅限于这些:
1 Sleeping whilst on duty
2 Late arriving at beginning of shift
3 Early departure at the end of theshift
4 Not following up on guestcomplaints
5 Not adhering to grooming standards
· Complete work orders asrequested by hotel various departments to meet customer requirements
· 完成由酒店各部门提出的工作定单,满足客户要求
· Interactsand cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors as necessary ordirected by superior.
· 必要时或在上级的指导下与酒店客人和外部承包商沟通和合作。
· Interactsand cooperates with other departments when necessary to provide additional orspecialized services for functions, promotions and festivities.
· 必要时与其他部门沟通和合作,为宴会、促销活动和节庆活动提供额外或专门的服务。
· Demonstrate Awareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conductedsafely and within PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same
· 展示对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策与程序的认识,确保安全地实施所有的程序并符合PPE指导准则,并确保你的直接下属同样如此。
· Be aware of duty of care andadhere to work place health and safety related various IHG policies andprocedures
· 具备谨慎责任意识,并遵守各种与工作场所的健康与安全相关的IHG政策与程序
· Be familiar with propertysafety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipmentsafely and sensibly
· 熟悉物业安全、急救和消防及应急程序,安全、合理地操作设备
· Initiate action to correct ahazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers
· 主动采取行动纠正有潜在危险的情形,并将潜在危险通知主管
· Log security incidents andaccidents in accordance with hotel requirements
· 根据酒店要求记录安全事件和事故
· Ensuresthat the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition.
· 确保工作场所及相关区域保持干净和整洁。
· Complieswith Hotel's Health, Safety & Hygiene Policy.
· 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策。
Perform other duties as assigned bysuperior.

