1. 按照行李服务流程和要求,为抵离客人提供行李搬运服务,并将每次运送情况做好记录。
2. 做好行李服务设备的清洁工作。
3. 准确回答客人的询问,提供正确的周边信息,主动做好对客服务。
4. 能够按标准进行物品送达房间服务及为客提供物品转接服务等。
5. 协助宾客服务团队维持大堂秩序,控制好大堂内外的灯光。
6. 熟悉酒店各种服务项目和营业时间,向客人推销酒店的各项服务,介绍酒店客房设施。了解本市交通、商业、旅游等方面资料。
1. 工作认真、作风细致、吃苦耐劳、反应灵活。
2. 能进行最基本的英语日常会话,开展对客服务。
Key Responsibilities:
1. To provide luggage service in SOP way, and ensure that the records are accurate.
2. To clean the concierge equipments daily.
3. Be able to answer the guest's questions, proivde accurate infomation around the hotel and scenic area, pay attention to guest engagement.
4. To provide the items delivery and transfer service.
5. To assist Guest Service team to manage the lobby area, and in charge of lights panel for lobby.
6. Be familiar with operation hours and service programs in hotel, introduce the room details to guest, be able to provide accurate Transportation, Commerical and tourism infomation.
Required Skills:
1. Working with responsible and attentive attitude.
2. Basic English level for guest service.