诺富特作为法国雅高酒店集团的创始品牌,成立于1967年,诺富特是欧洲第一提供标准化全方位服务的品牌,让旅行者享受到高于标准的舒适。Founding brand of AccorHotels since 1967, Novotel is the first brand of standardized full services hotels in Europe that provides travelers with a level of comfort well above the domestic standards of the time. 我们为来自千里之外的旅行者和本地人,创造更能即刻享受当下的场所。我们深信,快乐就是活在当下、享受此刻。我们希望让诺富特成为世界各个目的地的中端酒店品牌代名词。Our purpose to be the place that makes right more intense, for travelers from a thousand miles away and locals living next door.We believe that happiness is about making each and every moment in life matter.Our ambition to be the midscale reference of destination hotels. 东莞松山湖高新诺富特酒店,坐落于东莞松山湖畔,位于滨湖万科里广场和松山湖科学城内,毗邻华为欧洲小镇及华为南方工厂,距华为终端研发基地约1.5公里。周边餐饮业态丰富,生活设施配备齐全,是商务旅行和休闲旅行的理想选择。192间典雅标致的智能现代化客房及套房,为宾客提供舒适、时尚清新的入住体验。24小时健身房与儿童游乐区、自助洗衣房,为宾客增添更多便捷体验。另酒店拥有4个多功能会议厅,配备先进的视听设备,是举办各种会议活动的理想空间。同时酒店设有餐厅,为客人提供美食盛宴。Novotel Dongguan Songshan Lake is located in Binhu Vankly Plaza, where is inside of Songshan Lake science park, also near Huawei headquarters, 1.5km away from Huawei devices development BG.There are variety catering and completed facilities for living in surrounding. It’s the best choice of business and leisure travel.192 modern and elegant guest rooms and suites equipped intelligent voice control system, provide a comfort and fresh experience for staying with us. Hotel also equips kids club and self-service laundry for meeting different guest’s needs. Meeting at Novotel provides 4 function rooms that have been outfitted with the best A/V equipment. The Food Exchange restaurant provides buffet during breakfast and dinner. 在东莞松山湖高新诺富特酒店,我们提供的将不仅仅是极具竞争力的员工福利待遇,更有国际化全方位的专业培训和全球性的职业发展机遇。In Novotel Dongguan Songshan Lake, we will not only offer competitive benefits, but also comprehensive training program and worldwide career opportunity....查看全部