

  • 绍兴-上虞
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 包吃包住
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 人性化管理
  • 年度旅游
1. Administering and checking the daily membership sale revenue.管理、检查每天会员卡销售收入
2. Administering and checking the day to day membership signs up.管理、检查每天签约的会员情况
3. To administer and resolve all inaccuracies of the club revenues, accounts and memberships 检查、解决每天的收入、账目及会员资格的错误情况
4. To check and ensure all revenues or accounts are balanced and correct检查确保所有的收入账目无误
5. To submit all daily sales revenue reports.上交所有的收入报表和其它的报表
6. Conduct sales meeting举行销售会议
7. Ensuring the sales target is met and follows up.确保完成销售任务
8. Maintains strictest confidentiality at all times on all matters.在任何情况下,始终要严守机密
9. Demonstrates essential overall knowledge of the department 掌握相关部门知识
10. Understands the responsibilities of the other sections and departments and co-operates with them.了解各部门的工作职责并配合其工作
11. Be knowledgeable of procedures for security and emergency incidents and is familiar with location of fire alarms and fire extinguishers.熟悉保安及应急事件处理程序并熟悉火警报警和消防栓的位置
12. Ensures complaints and requests are handled with the aim of exceeding internal and external customer expectations.确保妥当处理无论是客人还是员工的投诉和要求并力求超越其期望
13. At every opportunity demonstrate effective selling techniques in promoting hotel products and services.具备成功的推销技能,不错过任何一个有效的提高酒店食品及服务的知名度
14. Log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.根据饭店要求记录安全事件、事故
15. Adhere to hotel cleaning and maintenance programs.遵守饭店清洁及保养程序
16. Maintain personal presentation to hotel standards.根据饭店标准保持个人仪表
17. Demonstrate professional attitude and behaviour at all times.随时保持专业态度及行为
18. Analize, evaluate and improve your personal performance on a continual basis.不断分析、评估、提高个人工作表现
19. Apply hotel quality assurance principles.遵守饭店质量保障原则
20. Abide by both the hotel policies and procedures.遵守饭店政策和执行程序
21. Access and use hotel Human Resources Management system. 执行并运用酒店人力资源管理系统。
22. Interact with department and hotel associates in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication. 以专业的、积极的态度和各部门及员工建立亲密关系以促进团队精神及进行有效的双向沟通
23. Deal effectively with guests and workplace colleagues from a variety of cultures.与具备不同文化背景的客人和同事进行有效沟通
24. Work effectively in a team.在团队中有效工作
25. Carry out other tasks as directed by your Section Heads. 完成上级交待的其它任务

