1) Stewarding utensil loss & breakage control防止和控制酒店用品的损失
a Assist Stewarding to control the loss & breakage of hotel utensils to the lowest maximum. 协助管家部把酒店用品的破损率控制在最低
b Assist Stewarding to complete the monthly statisticform of hotel utensil loss & breakage. 协助管家部完成每个月的酒店用品破损统计
c Report to Director of Security to conduct trainingto all outlet employees in order to enhance their prevention awareness. 向安全总监汇报相应培训,加强员工的防范意识
d Arrange casual worker to stand by during outsidecatering in order to control the loss & breakage of F&B utensil. 安排临时工作人员在宴会时待命,并控制餐饮用具的破损
2) Engineeringenergy conservation work工程部节约能源工作
a Assist Eng.To do hotel energy conservation work. 协助工程部帮助酒店节约能源
b On behalf of security department, attend monthlyenergy conservation meeting organized by Engineering. Collect the feedback from eachdepartment. 代表保安部参加每个月由工程部组织的节约能源会议,并收集各个部门的反馈
c Put forwardthe rectified suggestion and check situation of follow up. 对反馈的问题,进行跟进并提出解决方案
d Recycles atall times. 持续的回收利用
1) All internal customer requests responded to in atimely manner. 对内部员工的需求,要及时的回复
2) All internal customers dealt with inprofessional 专业的对待我们的内部员工
3) Provides lateral service when needed to internalcustomers. 当内部员工需要时,提供支援
4) Provides a security check of all employees at theemployee entrance. 在员工通道为员工提供安全保障
1) Dealing withlocal authority properly. 与当地政府机构有效的沟通
2) Notify director of security in case of anyemergency case. 有任何紧急时间,都需要通知安全总监
3) Establishesgood relationships with all government and PSB within his scope of duties. 在职责范围内与政府部门和公安局建立良好的关系
1) Assistsecurity supervisor to do the security precautionary work. 协助安全主管,做好安全防卫工作
2) To ensuremaximum security for guest floors and public areas最大程度上的保障客人楼层和公共区域的安全
3) Provide thenecessary extra coverage for large Banquets, outside catering etc.. 为大型宴会,提供必要的协助
4) All outsidevisiting the hotel are properly recorded and identified. 准确记录并识别来酒店参观人员
5) Supervisionof all goods entering and leaving the hotel. 管理好酒店所有的出口和入口
6) Security all stores in the hotel. 保障酒店仓库的安全
7) Check fireprevention and safety situation of heart area. 检查酒店核心区域的安全和防火设备
8) In charge ofpublic security and fire prevention work during work hour. 负责公共安全和预防火灾
9) Familiar withVIP guest protection procedure熟悉保护重要客人的保护程序
10) Public areapatrol and challenge suspicious persons. 巡查公共区域,询问可疑人员
11) Specialfunction security. 特别的功能的安全保卫
12) Escortaccounting and protect cash. 护送押款
1) Escort guestprocedure. 护送客人程序
2) To beprepared to assist guests whenever necessary. 当客人有需要为其提供帮助
3) Offerinternal/external guest additional assistance. 为内部客人和外部客人提供额外的帮助
4) Providelateral service when needed to internal/external guest. 当内部客人和外部客人需要帮助时提供横向服务
1) Allemergencies (fire, bomb threaten, power shut etc.) responded to in a timelymanner. 所有的紧急事件(火灾,炸弹威胁电话,断电)要及时响应
2) Escort the guest to go through the formalities forpassport or visa if the guest lose it. 如果客人遗失了护照或者签证,护送客人去办理手续
3) Escort guestto report case to PSB if the guest want to do so. 如果客人需要,护送他们去公安局报案
4) Openguestroom safety box procedure. 开客房保险箱程序
5) All store room control (non-office hour). 非办公时间内的储藏室管理
1) Write downimportant things on loss prevention log-book and hand over to next shift. 将发生的重要时间记录在值班日记并转交给下一个班次
2) File all casereports and make statistic to the suspect person who is involved in case. 整理所有的案件,并统计谁是涉案嫌疑人
3) Distributethe memo of criminal suspect issued by PSB to the concerned department, andrecord on the registration book. 将公安局颁布的犯罪嫌疑人备忘录发送到相关的部门,并记录在汽车登记簿上
1) Assist seniorsecurity supervisor to investigate kinds of case and adopt the precautionarymeasure to prevent the occurrence of case. 协助安全主管审查各种情况,通过防范措施避免出现事故
2) Interviewedconcerning employee and do the inquiry statement for the employee involved. 与有关雇员问询并为相关员工作询问记录
3) Timely dospot check to hotel exits and entrances. 及时的抽查酒店的各个出口入口
4) Strengthencontrolling on bag check at employee entrance and CCTV post. 加强员工通道背包检查和出口
5) Strengtheninspection on guest floor to prevent the occurrence of loss case. 加强对住客楼层巡查,以防止损失的发生
6) Periodicallycheck the loading dock security officer’s work situation of garbage check,inform the result to Stewarding manager. 定期检查装卸口保安的垃圾检查工作情况,将结果通知管家部经理
7) Stand by in 3meals restaurant with plain-clothes from 07:00pm-08:30pm when the afternoonshift supervisor is day off. 晚上7点到8点之间,当下午班的主管换班时,身着便装在各个餐厅前待命
8) Cycle timefor lost property followed at all times. 持续跟进失物招领事项
9) All lost andfound items logged properly and returned. 准确记录丢失的或者拾到的物品,归还时予以登记
10) All areas onguest floors are checked regularly. 按时巡查客人入住楼层