
Duty Engineer 值班工程师

  • 三亚
  • 经验不限
  • 中专
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 人性化管理
FinancialReturns: 财务回报:
· Participatesin the preparation of the annual POMEC Budget.
· 参与制定年度POMEC预算
· Reviewsproposed capital expenditure authorization requests forms pertaining to POMEC,and makes appropriate recommendations.
· 审核与POMEC相关的资本支出授权申请表提议,并提供适当的推荐。
· Incase of pre-opening hotels assist Director of Engineer for all the engineeringrelated jobs as describe in pre-opening engineering check list, but not limitedto.
· 如果是筹开酒店,协助工程总监履行筹开工程清单中列出的所有工程相关职责,但不仅限于这份清单。
· Reportsdaily by log book to the Director of Engineer of all irregularities during hisshift and steps taken to rectify the problems highlighted.
· 通过日志薄向工程总监每日汇报当班期间所有非常规事件以及纠正问题所采取的行动。
· Determinesoptimal operating efficiencies and take necessary corrective measures whenvariance from standards are excessive through logs and utility data
· 决定最优的操作效率,并在日志和公共设施数据显示与标准差异过大时采取必要的改善措施
· Attends to all types of repairand maintenance work in the Hotel premises including any new additions /extensions to the Hotel or any other properties maintained by the Hotel.
· 参加酒店范围内的各类维修和保养工作,包括酒店的新增和延伸设施或由酒店提供维修保养的任何其他物业。
· Advises improvements to thepresent system in order to optimize the operating efficiency and economy of thesaid system.
· 对现有的系统提出改进建议,从而优化该系统的运作效率和经济节约。
· Coordinates andattends/distributes all work orders directly to his staff for action on a dailybasis, giving priority to guest complaints.
· 每天协调并参加/向员工直接分配实施所有的工作定单,优先处理客人投诉。
· Prepare engineering departmentrequired spare parts list.
· 准备工程部必要零部件清单。
· Prepares PM annual plan and amonthly Maintenance Status Report.
· 准备项目管理年度计划和每月的维修情况报告。
· Ensures that the watertreatment and water treatment testing is being carried on
· 确保实施水处理和水处理检测
· Ensures implementation of IHGpolicies and procedures for:
· 确保在以下方面实施IHG政策和程序:
1. Maintenance schedules.
2. Energy conservation and control
3. Water and sewage qualitycontrol
4. Fire prevention and other life safetyprograms.
5. Effective plant preventive and routinemaintenance.
6. Operation and control of Plant andequipment.
7. Energy management systems andprocedures.
8. POMEC logs and utility consumption.
9. Inspection and staff supervision.
· Supports and initiate programs for theimprovement procedures and the reduction of energy and utility costs.
· 支持和发起降低能源及公共设施成本和流程改进的计划
· Analysesand monitors energy costs and expenditures for the department.
· 分析和监督本部门的能源成本和支出
· Recommendsto the Director of Engineer, new policies and procedures for a more economicaloperation and maintenance program.
· 向工程总监推荐新的政策和程序,制定更经济的运作和维修保养计划
· PreparesPM work orders and follows up work orders on a daily basis. Advisees theDirector of Engineer on any problems or delays.
· 每天准备项目管理工作定单并跟进工作定单。将任何问题或延迟告知工程总监。
· Followup on work request and PM backlogs twice a week and is responsible forcompletion and correct closing of all work requests. At the end of the week hepresents a status report.
· 每周两次跟进工作请求和项目管理待办事务,负责所有工作请求的完成和正确结束。在每周结束时提交工作进度报告。
· Providesa weekly report of any plant or equipment witch is Out Of Order and the actiontaken.
· 提供发生故障的机房或设备的周报告以及采取的行动。
· Supervisesoutside contractor when working on plants or equipment in order to ensure highstandards of workmanship.
· 监督外部承包商对机房或设备的相关工作,以确保高标准的工艺水平。
· Overallsupervision of all shift personnel during his/her shift.
· 当班期间对所有当班员工的监督和管理。
· Works with Superior and HumanResource department to ensure the departmental performance of staff isproductive. Duties include:
· 与上级和人力资源部一起,确保部门员工的工作绩效和生产力。职责包括:
o Conduct on the job training inaccordance with the departmental standards and procedures and maintains arecord of progress for each staff member
o 根据部门标准和程序实施工作培训,并记录每个员工的进展情况
o Trainsand develops the assigned Employees in order to improve their skills andquality of work.
o 培训和发展指定的员工,以提高他们的工作技能和质量。
o Provide input for probation andformal performance appraisal discussions in line with company guidelines
o 根据公司的指导准则,为试用期和正式工作表现评估的讨论提供意见
o Ensure new staff attendCorporate Orientation within first month of hire
o 确保新员工在聘用后第一个月内参加公司的入职培训
o Coach, counsel and disciplinestaff in breach of hotel policies and departmental procedures, providingconstructive feedback to enhance performance
o 对员工进行辅导、咨询和违法酒店政策和部门程序时的纪律处分,提供有建设性的反馈意见,以改善工作绩效
· Ensuresthat house rules are followed and obeyed.
· 确保遵守和奉行内部的规定。
· Ensurespunctual attendance and adherence to duty schedules by all subordinate staff.
· 确保所有下属员工准时参加和遵守工作日程表。
· Ensuresthat personal grooming and hygiene standards are being observed. Does spotchecks in the morning.
· 确保遵守个人仪容和卫生标准。在早晨进行抽查。
· Ensuresall subordinate personnel follow the Engineering Standards and Procedures asissued from time to time.
· 确保所有下属员工遵守不定时发布的工程标准和程序。
· Isresponsible to issues warnings to his subordinates for infringements of HotelRules and Regulations, examples are, but not limited to:
· 负责向下属发布违反酒店规则和规定的警告,例如,但不仅限于:
1. Sleeping whilst on duty
2. Late arriving at beginning ofshift
3. Early departure at the end ofthe shift
4. Not following up on guestcomplaints
5. Not adhering to groomingstandards
· Coordinateswith related department for the PM/PMM/FPMM schedule and work execution
· 与相关部门协调PM/PMM/FPMM日程安排和工作执行
· Interactsand cooperates with Hotel guests and outside contractors as necessary ordirected by superior.
· 必要时或在上级的指导下与酒店客人和外部承包商沟通和合作。
· Interactsand cooperates with other departments when necessary to provide additional orspecialized services for functions, promotions and festivities.
· 必要时与其他部门沟通和合作,为宴会、促销活动和节庆活动提供额外或专门的服务。
· Ensures smooth and continuousfunctioning of required equipment for the total hotel building and itsinterior, thus achieving maximum efficiency and guest satisfaction.
· 确保酒店整体建筑及其内部必要设备的平稳、持续运作,从而实现最高的效率和宾客满意度。
· Isresponsible for work safety on his/her shift.
· 负责当班期间的工作安全
· Demonstrate Awareness of IHG Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conductedsafely and within PPE guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same
· 展示对IHG个人防护装备(PPE)政策与程序的认识,确保安全地实施所有的程序并符合PPE指导准则,并确保你的直接下属同样如此。
· Be aware of duty of care andadhere to work place health and safety related various IHG policies andprocedures
· 具备谨慎责任意识,并遵守各种与工作场所的健康与安全相关的IHG政策与程序
· Be familiar with propertysafety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipmentsafely and sensibly
· 熟悉物业安全、急救和消防及应急程序,安全、合理地操作设备
· Initiate action to correct ahazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers
· 主动采取行动处理有危险的情形,并将潜在危险通知主管
· Log security incidents andaccidents in accordance with hotel requirements
· 根据酒店要求记录安全事件和事故
· Preparesa monthly Maintenance Status Report.
· 准备每月的维修进度报告
· Carriesout regular fire alarm test.
· 定期实施火灾报警检测
· Ensuresthat the work shop and related areas are kept in a clean and tidy condition.
· 确保工作场所及相关区域保持干净和整洁。
· Complieswith Hotel's Health, Safety & Hygiene Policy.
· 遵守酒店的健康、安全和卫生政策。
· Ensuresthat all Equipment is in good working condition according to the engineeringstandards.
· 确保所有设备处于良好的工作状态,符合工程标准。
· Maintainsclean and tidy Plant rooms and equipment throughout the hotel according to theengineering standards.
· 保持酒店各处机房和设备的干净和整洁,符合工程标准
· Ensuresthat availability of Plant and Equipment is 100% at all times. If breakdownsoccur, ensure that the necessary repair is carried out without delay.
· 确保机房和设备在任何时候均100%可用。如果发生故障,确保毫不延迟地实施必要的维修。
· Actas a member of the hotel’s fire brigade and participates in all Fire drills /training.
· 充当酒店消防队成员并参加所有消防演习/培训
Perform other duties as assigned bysuperior.


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 语言要求:英语-良好
  • 计算机能力:良好

