
Pastry Chef 包饼房厨师长

  • 保定-容城
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 领导好
  • 人性化管理
  • 包吃包住
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 技能培训
1. 根据酒店政策及要求,提供餐前布置准备、标准食谱以及所有与菜单相关的食谱准备,自助餐、鸡尾酒会、咖啡、特殊会议等所有相关的食物准备
Prepare mise en place selection, standards recipes, and all related recipes needed to the successful preparation of outlet menus, basic preparation, buffet, cocktails, coffee breaks, special events and all related food preparation as per hotel policies and requirement.
2. 根据危害分析关键控制点、法定卫生局规章制度以及酒店政策和厨房操作程序来准备、进展、提供服务和储存食物
Prepare, process, serve and store food in respect to HACCP guidelines and Legal Hygiene bureau rules and regulations, in respect to hotel Policies and kitchen operating procedures.
3. 维持最高卫生标准和最高工作安全标准
Maintain the highest hygiene and work safety standards
4. 严格遵守酒店规章制度中的食谱标准、部分大小、传递以及食用时间、品牌标准
Adhere to recipes standards, portion size, delivery and pick up time, brand standards where applicable as per hotel policies and procedures.
5. 每日检查库房、冰箱及雪柜以确保适当的食物周转、减少食物浪费以及适当的质量控制
Inspects storerooms, refrigerators and freezers daily to ensure proper food rotation, reduction of food wastage and proper quality control are in place.
6. 能提供满足餐厅要求的食物,与厨房不同菜式分部灵活合作
Be able to provide food in accordance to outlet requirement and maintain flexibility to work within kitchen section and department of different cuisines as per department need and training specifications
7. 适当储存不用的食物以便最小化浪费和最大化食物利用
Store properly unused food in order to minimize waste and maximize food rotation
8. 确保所有收到的食物都满足卫生安全要求及规格。遵守合适的控制程序,确保收到的食物没有物理、化学危害或虫害,检查其质量、数量及温度
Ensure all food items received meet hygiene safety requirement and specifications. Follow proper control processes, ensure not physical, chemical or pest contamination of received food, check quality, quantity and temperature of food received
9. 根据部门标准执行每日货物清单,同时跟进一些没有收到、丢失或拒收的货物的处理
Conduct daily market list as per department standards, with related follow up for non received, missing or rejected items.
10. 协助行政总厨采购经理研究原始的优质产品以提高菜单和自助餐介绍
Assist Executive Chef and Purchasing Manager in researching original and quality products in order to enhance menus and buffet presentations.
11. 管理实施库存控制程序
Monitor the implementation of stock control procedures
12. 准备、说明并制定库存报表的跟进计划
Prepare, interpret and produce follow up action on stock reports
13. 根据采购程序及酒店政策,支持餐厅厨师长及主管指导库存盘点
Support outlet chef’s and supervisors in conduction inventory end stock taking, according to purchasing procedures and hotel policies
14. 支持主管和经理以确保合适的库存品的利用以及及时订购食物
Support supervisor and manager to ensure proper stock items rotation and timely reordering of food.
15. 支持主管和经理以确保每餐要求的足够食物量的及时食物准备
Support supervisor and manager to ensure timely food preparation with sufficient food quantity provided for each meal requirements
16. 确保食物随时都以恰当的温度出品及储存,同时满足酒店政策及危害分析与关键控制点标准
Ensure food is served and store at the appropriate temperature at all times in accordance to hotel policy and HACCP guidelines.
17. 支持主管和经理以确保提供食物服务、食用时间及自助餐摆设及时性
Support supervisors and managers in order to ensure timely food service, pick up and buffet set up timing are respected


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 国内管理公司经验:优先

