
前厅部副理 Assistant Manager - Front Office

  • 厦门-思明区
  • 2年以上
  • 大专
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 管理规范
  • 包吃包住
  • 岗位晋升
  • 技能培训
§ 监督并协助前厅部运营手册的准备及更新。
Oversees andassists in the preparation and updates of the Front Office DepartmentalOperations Manual.
§ 定期主持召开部门沟通会并确保部门例会和会议切实有效且在必要时进行指导。
Conducts regularcommunications meetings and ensures that departmental briefings and meetingsare effective and conducted as necessary.
§ 汇报值班日志中所记录的所有事件。
Reports all dailyoccurrence of the Hotel in the Assistant Manager’s Log record.
§ 仔细跟进每项任务并确保在交接班前完成。检查所有未尽事项,且负责到底。
Follows throughclosely all tasks that need to be attended to and ensure full completion by endof shift. Checks through for any outstanding matter and assumes fullresponsibility for uncompleted tasks.
§ 分析客房价差,检查是否有所出入。
Audits the roomrate variance to check for discrepancy.
§ 抽查客人的入住登记卡,确保准确录入客人资料。
Spot check allarrival registration cards and ensures details are entered accurately.
§ 所有与客人有关的事件必须记录,并更新客史档案。
All guestincidents must be recorded and updated in Guest History database.
§ 24小时内,回复所有通过信件和电子邮件形式方式发来的询问函。
Answers allwritten enquiries received through correspondence or email within 24 hours.
§ 根据客房部提供的破损和遗失物品报告,在24小时内与客人沟通。
Corresponds within24 hours to guest on all damage/missing items reported by Housekeeping.
§ 负责检查并更新所有保险箱内的现金和贵重物品的记录。
Responsible tomaintain an updated record log for all cash and valuables in the safe keepingof the Assistant Managers.
§ 定期检查保险箱内的遗留物品。如果6个月内无人认领,需转交收入审计处理。
Conducts aquarterly audit check all items kept in the Assistant Manager’s safe. Itemsthat are not claimed within 6 months should be handed to the Income Auditor.
Customer Service
§ 礼貌而高效地处理所有客人和内部客人的投诉和询问,确保问题得到圆满解决。
Handles all guestand internal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficientmanner, following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily
§ 保持与顾客和同事的良好合作关系。
Maintains positiveguest and colleague interactions with good working relationships.
§ 确保所有员工始终提供给客人礼貌、专业的服务。
Ensures allAssociates provide a courteous and professional service at all times.
§ 确保所有前厅部员工遵循品牌承诺并始终提供优异的对客服务。
Ensures that allFront Office Associates deliver the brand promise and provide exceptional guestservice at all times.
§ 确保员工适时的为其他部门员工提供同样优质的服务。
Ensures that FrontOffice Associates provide excellent service to internal customers asappropriate.
§ 协助问候并向贵宾和长住客人提供入住登记服务。
Assists ingreeting and checking-in VIP and Long Stay guests.
§ 确保所有前厅部员工熟悉掌握酒店的产品知识及服务标准。
Ensures that allFront Office Associates are familiar with the hotel’s products and services.
§ 确保所有前厅部员工知悉最新的促销信息,规章制度及其他重要信息。
Ensures that allFront Office Associates are aware of current promotions, policies and otherimportant information.
§ 经常性的亲自确认客人在入住和离店过程中得到尽善尽美的服务。
Personally andfrequently verifies that guests are receiving the best possible service duringcheck-in and check-out.
§ 繁忙时期确保礼宾部,行李部及其他各个区域均能有条不紊地运作并实现酒店的品牌承诺。
Spends time inFront Office areas during peak periods to ensure that the area is managed wellby the respective team and delivers the brand promise.
§ 与客人建立和谐的客服关系并长久保持。
Establishes arapport with guests and maintains good customer relationship.
§ 推行客人认知计划并更新客史数据。
Implementsconsistent guest recognition programmes and maintain a relevant guest historydatabase.
§ 确保客人信息的历史记录得到精确的维护,并提前对回头客进行入住登记。
Ensures that guesthistory records are accurately maintained and all repeat guests arepre-registered.


  • 语言要求:英语-熟练
  • 计算机能力:熟练

