§ 确保酒店最基本的品牌标准都要被贯彻执行。
Ensuresthat minimum brand standards have been implemented.
· 确保贯彻执行所有凯悦餐饮宝典20条的标准。
Ensuresthat Food and Beverage Fundamental Top 20 are implemented.
· 对于客户调查结果做出回应并落实相应的改善措施。
Respondsto the results of the Consumer Audit and ensures that the relevant changes areimplemented.
· 以支持和灵活的态度与其他经理紧密合作,着眼于整个酒店的成功和酒店客人的满意度。
Worksclosely with other Outlet Managers in a supportive and flexible manner,focusing on the overall success of the hotel and the satisfaction of hotelguests.
· 确保餐饮部员工以支持和灵活的态度和“团队协作”的精神与其他部门合作。
Ensuresthat outlet associates work in a supportive and flexible manner with otherdepartments, in a spirit of “We work through Teams”.
· 对菜单上的所有菜品和饮料有全面的知识和理解,并能推荐菜品和饮料的搭配及促销。
Havea thorough knowledge and understanding of all food and beverage items in themenu and the ability to recommend Food and Beverage combinations and upsellalternatives.
· 确保餐厅的前、后线区域的洁净有序。
Ensuresthat the outlet is kept clean and organised, both at the front as well as theback of house.
· 餐厅经理、副经理不在岗时,就每日的准备、服务和菜单给员工召开班前例会。
Inthe absence of Outlet Manager, Assistant Outlet Manager, conduct dailypre-shift briefings to associates on preparation, service and menu.
· 协助与厨房针对每日营运和质量控制密切沟通。
Assistto liaise with the Kitchen and Beverage Department on daily operations andquality control if appropriate.
· 执行收银员的职能并负责POS收银程序。
Performsthe function of cashier and responsible for POS cashiering procedure.
· 将现金余额和信用卡费用和现金汇款放到前厅部保险箱中。
Balancescash and credit card charges and remittance of cash to Front Office Safe.
· 对于特别宴会或大型活动进行必要的检查。
Makesnecessary checks needed for specific events or functions.
· 作为亲身实践操作的主管人员,应总是留在餐厅区域,尤其是繁忙时段。
Bea hands-on supervisor and be present at all times in the Outlet, especiallyduring busy periods.
· 协助监督对所有运营设备和营业用品的月度盘点。
Assistswith conducting monthly inventory checks on all operating equipment andsupplies.
§ 根据顺序,为客人点单并服务。
Take order and serve theguest according to the sequence.
§ 销售产品。
Up-sell product.
§ 维持营运的供应品和控制损坏量。
Maintain guest suppliesand control the cost.
§ 在下班时,确保饮料的存货是正确的。
Ensure beverage stock inthe bar is correct.
§ 根据部门分配的任务,确保流畅的服务。
Ensure smooth serviceaccording to the task arranged.
§ 必需能处理任何有关食物和饮料的询问和要求。
Handle enquiries andrequire in food and beverage.
§ 协助每月对所有设备和存货进行检查。
Assists in conductingmonthly inventory checks on all operating equipment and supplies.
§ 在服务之前,必需做指导。
Provide guidance beforeserving.
§ 对菜单中的食物和饮料要非常了解,并能向客人推荐食物和饮料的组合,就像促销中的选择一样。
Knowledgeable in food andbeverage, Able to up-sell and recommend food and beverage.
§ 有能力培训新员工和实习生。
Able to train the newincoming associate and trainees.
§ 与餐务部,客房部和维修部门进行良好的沟通,确保餐厅的干净、保修。
Maintain communicationwith stewarding, house keeping and engineering, Ensure restaurant clean andwell maintained.
§ 对餐饮部或酒店其他部门的岗位进行灵活的调换。
Exchange the positionflexible.
§ 始终提供高质量、快速的服务。
Provide efficient and highquality service all the time.
§ 根据不同的用餐时间,进行不同的摆台并在用餐高峰时,从新摆台。
Reset up table efficientlyduring different meal period
§ 按照餐厅要求及时换洗布草。
Change the linen accordingto the Laundry Operations Hours and Restaurant request
§ 准备摆台并按照部门营运手册来执行工作职责。
Set up tables according tothe Department Operation Manual.
§ 严格遵守餐厅的营业时间。
Strict in restaurantopening hours.
§ 始终确保服务台、吧台和周围环境的干净和有条理。
Maintain bar area tidy andclean.
§ 控制营运的供应品,减少损害和浪费。
Strict in control guestsupplies, Release breakage and waste.
§ 用礼貌和有效的方式,解决客人的要求。
Handle guest require in aprofessional and efficiency manner.
§ 完全理解并执行部门的营运手册。
Fully understand andstrict in Department Operations Manual.
§ 所有工作都要按照工作计划和部门培训工序表。
All the work processaccording to the work plan and training task list.
§ 完全理解并应用餐饮部Top 20’s的理念。
Fully understand F&BFundamental Top 20.
§ 完全理解并执行凯悦餐饮宝典20项。
Fully understand andsupport Hyatt F&B vision and mission.