1、Ensure that contractors provide a constant supply of clean and damage free linen, achieving zero referrals from Residents.保证洗衣场送回的布草干净、无损,客人无投诉。
2、 Distribute linen accurately, ensuring sufficient supply for housekeeping service.按时收发布草,保证布草的正常使用。
3、Check and report defects, blemishes and fading of Residents’ laundry before sending out to be cleaned.在收到客人所洗的衣物时,认真检查,如有破损、污渍、褪色的情况,及时告知客人。
4、Check, report and touch up Residents’ laundry upon return, to bill and return the items laundered to the Resident accurately and before asked.在收到洗回的客人衣物时,认真检查,及时送还。
5、Liase with contractors for special treatment of laundry, handling of damaged Laundry and linen, shortage of returned linen and Laundry.及时与洗衣厂沟通特殊洗衣要求。协助处理损坏的、丢失的布草和衣物
6、Ensure repairable laundry and linen are mended, to covert defective or damage linen into usable items and to covert ‘old’ items to enhance surrounding.修补损坏的布草
7、Monitor linen supplies and to initiate linen/uniform reordering, checking all linen types, uniforms and housekeeping supplies and equipment, to assist during inventory count.控制布草数量,编制布草、工衣清单,协助资产盘点
8、Calculate and generate laundry revenue and management laundry expenses.计算布草洗涤收入,控制洗涤成本