
Outlet Host餐厅接待

  • 哈尔滨
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 带薪年假
  • 单人间宿舍
  • 帅气制服
  • 免费工作餐
  • 岗位晋升
  • 技能培训
  • 人性化管理
· Mise en Place and Food Preparation
· 准备食品
· Assist with receiving and storage of goods
· 协助接收和存储物品
· Clean and maintain equipment and premises
· 清洁并保持设备和物资的清洁
· Maintain hygienic standards and procedures
· 遵守卫生规范和程序
· Assist with the preparation of functions and service
· 协助职责和服务的准备工作
· Welcoming guests to the Restaurant, by using the Restaurant name
· 迎客人光临餐厅,使用餐厅的名称。
· Inquiring if they have a reservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do
· 询问客人是否有预订,如有预定在预订册上做记录。
· Creating a reservation for them with their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservation book
· 为客人登记预订并注有用餐喜好,如客人没有预订则在预订册上记录。
· Being attentive to guest requests
· 周到的满足客人要求。
· Escort guests to their preferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurant standards
· 陪同客人前往喜欢的餐台或预订的餐台,按餐厅标准安排客人就坐。
· Take telephone bookings and document in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards
· 接听电话订位并按餐厅的规范在预订冊上记录。
· Answer the telephone within prescribed number of rings. Efficiently and professionally handle multiple incoming calls at once.
· 在规定的电话铃响数范围内接听电话。高效专业的处理多通同时来电。
· Close checks to correct guest’s room account.
· 将帐单挂到正确的房帐上。
· Train new staff in brand standards
· 按集团品牌服务标准培训新员工。
· Be attentive to guests and resolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to your Supervisor
· 周到的为客人服务,并尽可能解决客人的投诉,向上级报告所有事件。
· Assist with cellar operations
· 協助酒窖的工作
· Assist with the preparation of an outlet for service including:
· 协助餐厅的服务准备工作:
· Cleaning of equipment
· 分类和存储设备
· Cleaning and maintaining glassware for service
· 清洁并保持玻璃器皿的清洁以备使用
· Cleaning and maintain flatware for service
· 清洁并保持餐具的清洁以备使用
· Cleaning and maintain china for service
· 清洁并保持瓷器的清洁以备使用
· o Preparing buffet service
· 准备自助餐台
· o Preparing service equipment and materials
· 准备服务设备和材料
· o Assisting with table preparation
· 协助餐台的准备工作
· Maintain detailed knowledge of menu, including daily specials
· 对菜单有具体的了解,包括每日特价。
· Ensure tables are cleared quietly and efficiently
· 确保迅速且高效的清理餐桌。
· Carry food and beverage trays in a safe manner to minimize breakages
· 安全的举餐盘使破损将到最低。
· Professionally handle enquiries billing and payment of bills in compliancy with the hotel’s established policies and procedures
· 按照酒店的规章制度专业的处理询问,结账和付款。
· Ensure that all work is balanced at the end of each shift and that the total, balances with the computer’s total
· 确保每班结束时总账,余款和计算机的总数等所有的账目平账。
· Complete dockets accurately and clearly
· 准确和清楚的填写收据。
· Maintain current information on all general activities of the hotel
· 了解当前酒店所有的活动。
· Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships
· 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。
· Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled
· 参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。
· Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled
· 参加和参与计划好的培训课程。
· Other reasonable Ad hoc tasks assigned by supervisor
· 其他由主管分配的合理任务


  • 语言要求:英语-一般
  • 计算机能力:一般

