1. Collectand count (with a witness from finance department) the contents of allcashiers’ envelopes on a daily basis.每天收集并清点(有财务人员证明)所有出纳员信封中的内容.
2. Receive and acknowledge copy ofcheque lists and record in the General Cashier’s Daily Report; include in the dailydeposit all checks or money orders received by the mail.接收并认可收到支票列表并记录在总出纳日报告中,包括每日存放的所有支票或通过邮件收到的汇票.
3. Includeall cheques/money orders in the daily deposits to the Bank;每日存入银行的所有支票和汇票.
4.Preparethe daily bank deposit;准备每日银行存款.
5.PrepareGeneral Cashier’s Daily Report;准备总出纳每日报告.
6. Provideall cashiers with change as required;提供需要的零钱给所有出纳员.
7. Toensure that all change orders to the bank is approved by DOF;确保所有对银行的零钱转换经过财务总监批准.
8. Reimbursecashiers for any disbursements/due backs made by them;对出纳员作出的支付进行补足.
9. Properlyaccount for all disbursements made from the General Cashier’s float;对总出纳备用金中支出的费用进行记账.
10. Countthe General Cashier’s float daily, ensuring that it balances correctly – thisis also to be counted monthly in conjunction with either the AssistantFinancial Controller or Financial Controller/Director of Finance.每日清点总出纳备用金,确保其正确-此清点也应与助理财务总监/财务总监每月进行
- 国际联号工作经验:优先
- 语言要求:英语-良好,中国普通话-熟练
- 计算机能力:良好