

  • 哈尔滨
  • 5年以上
  • 学历不限
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 包吃包住
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine is responsible for the effective day to day operation of the FLAIR Restaurant and Room Dining. He/she supports the Club Lounge and Lobby operation as business requires and ensures smooth operation within Him/her area of responsibility.
FLAIR 吧厨师长负责 FLAIR 吧和客房送餐日常的高效运作。他/她根据工作的要求支持行政酒廊和大堂吧的运营,并确保在她负责区域的流畅运作。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine creates menus in accordance with the Restaurant Concepts as provided by the Executive Chef, Banquet Menu Guidelines, Club Guidelines, Lobby Guidelines and he evaluates the offerings on a quarterly base and monitors the competitive set to ensure relevance in the market.
FLAIR 吧厨师长根据行政总厨提供的餐厅理念,宴会菜单指南,行政酒廊指南设置,大堂吧指南设计菜单,按季度评估产品并监控竞争对手以确保与市场的关联。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine creates, in cooperation with the FLAIR Sous Chef and the involvement of Executive Sous Chef accurate and cost-efficient recipes, is testing them and ensures training and compliance thereof.
FLAIR 吧厨师长与 FLAIR 吧副厨师长还有行政副总厨合作,制作准确且具有成本效益的食谱,并对其进行测试,来确保其培训和合规性。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine ensures the right product is selected and purchased in the correct quality. He observes the purchasing process and evaluates the quality, price and competitiveness of the produce.
FLAIR 吧厨师长确保以正确的质量来挑选和采购正确的产品。他观察采购过程并评估产品的质量,价格和竞争力。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine ensures storage, processing, preparation, plating and serving of the purchased product are aligned with the set standards by the Executive Chef and the Company.
FLAIR 吧厨师长确保采购产品的存放,加工,准备,摆盘和服务符合行政总厨和公司制定的标准。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine participates in daily food tastings on a rotational base to evaluate the quality of food, presentation skills, and compliance with allergen policies and gives advice to the teams.
FLAIR 吧厨师长在各个餐厅轮流参加每日试菜,来评估食品质量,展示技巧,过敏原政策的遵守情况,并给团队提供建议。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine keeps an overview of the current inventory in all areas of his responsibility, places purchase orders in Birch Street and aligns the spending with the budget provided by the hotel’s senior management. In this function he tracks the daily spending in comparison with the forecast revenues to avoid over-spending and exceeding costs.
FLAIR 吧厨师长在他负责的所有领域对当前的库存进行概览,在 Birch street 上下订单,并根据酒店高级管理层提供的预算来分配花费。 在这个职能中,他追踪与预测收益相比的每日支出,以避免过度支出和超额成本。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine ensures all costs related to other divisions in the hotel [e.g. Club Lounge, Lobby Ambassador, Amenities, Promotional costs, cost of sales] are transferred accurately prior to each month end closing.FLAIR 吧厨师长确保与酒店其他部门相关的所有成本 (例如:行政酒廊,大堂使者,欢迎礼遇,推广成本,销售成本) 在每个月结束前准确的转移。
The FLAIR Chef de Cuisine is planning annual promotions for Manor 54, including profit and loss, marketing, purchasing, execution and review. He uses this opportunity to develop key personnel in the team and involves them in the planning of the work affecting them!
FLAIR 吧厨师长需要计划餐厅的年度推广,包括盈亏,营销,采购,执行和审核。 他利用这种机会来培养团队中的关键人物,让他们参与影响他们的工作计划


  • 国际联号工作经验:优先
  • 语言要求:英语-熟练
  • 计算机能力:熟练

