

  • 常州
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 足额五险
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 包吃包住
Job Summary岗位概述:
Under the general guidance of the General Manager and within the limits of established Hotel and local hotel policies and procedures, oversees and directs all aspects of Front Office, Housekeeping, Spa & Health Club and Security operations. Promotes the desired work culture around the Hotel.
Senior leadership, responsible for the management of the hotel business, and will focus on the development of the "people", preferably from the background of the Rooms,and the management of the enterprise relationship management and owners, and focus on service, customer experience and details.
Key Responsibilities 主要工作职责
· Monitors the personnel of the operations to ensure guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition.监管运营部门人员,以确保宾客获得及时、热情的关注和个人识别。
· Ensures staff, particularly guest contact personnel, are familiar with Priority Club members, known repeat guests and other VIPs and provide special attention and recognition.确保员工,尤其是直接接触宾客的工作人员熟记会员、常客和其他贵宾,辨认并给予特别关注。
· Coordinates exchange of pertinent information between departments within the Rooms Division and directs exchange of information with other departments, notably, Engineering.在房务部内,协调各分部门之间的相关信息交流,并指导与其他部门之间的信息交换,尤其是工程部。
· Consults with Department Heads and General Manager on an ongoing basis to improve business conduct.持续咨询部门主管和总经理的意见,不断提高业务能力。
· Assumes overall responsibility for maintaining presentation standards to ensure facilities and equipment are clean, in good repair and well maintained.全面负责维护展示标准,确保其干净整洁、维护保养得当。
· Schedules and regularly conducts routine inspections of areas under control.安排定期进行控制范围内的区域常规检查。
· Maintains appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of Room Division employees.保证房务部员工行为得当,着装、卫生、制服和仪容仪表符合标准。
· Conducts comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include review of procedures and events which warrant special handling and detailed information.每月召开全面的部门会议,包括审查需要特殊处理的程序和事务及详细内容。
· Presided over the formulation and improvement of the rules and regulations of the hotel, established and improved the internal organizational system, coordinated the relations among various departments, and established a reasonable and effective operation mechanism.主持制定和完善酒店各项规章制度,建立健全内部组织系统,协调各部门关系,建立内部合理而有效的运行机制。
· Hosted the daily morning meeting and held the hotel management meeting every month.主持召开每日晨会、每月召开酒店管理层会议。
· Report to the management company and the owner company every month, and complete the tasks assigned by the management company and the owner company.每月向管理公司及业主公司汇报经营管理工作,完成管理公司及业主公司交给的各项任务。
· Promote hotel sales and internal facilities.推广酒店的销售和内部设施。
· Inventory of operating equipment and supplies.管理运营设备和用品库存。
· Communicate with representatives of the general manager and other department heads about all relevant information they may be interested in.与总经理代表和其他部门主管沟通他们可能感兴趣的所有相关信息。
· To monitor the operation of the department's profitability and performance in relation to revenue and expenditure and budget.监控房务部有关营收支出、和预算相比之下的盈利能力和绩效等方面的运作。
· Prepare the budget of the housing department.筹备房务部预算。
· Continue to control and analyze the cost of the housekeeping department to ensure performance against budget.持续地控制和分析房务部的内部成本,以确保绩效符合预算。
· participate in the preparation of hotel strategic plan, marketing plan and target project.参与酒店战略规划、营销计划和目标项目的制定。
· Ensure the efficient work of department staff within the company's human resources framework.确保部门员工在公司人力资源框架内高效工作。
· Plan for future personnel needs.筹划未来的人员需求。
· Conduct recruitment according to company guidelines.按照公司准则开展招聘。
· Prepare specific introductions for new employees.为新员工准备具体的介绍。
· Maintain comprehensive, up-to-date and customer-focused departmental standards and procedures and oversee implementation.确保全面完整的、最新的和以宾客为中心的部门标准和流程并监管落实。
· Ensure that the training needs of the staff of the department are analyzed, and the training programs designed and implemented should meet these requirements:确保对本部门员工的培训需求进行了分析,设计和实施的培训计划应满足以下要求:
· Maintain training records of all direct managers and ensure that they maintain the same training records for their subordinates.维护所有直属管理人员的培训记录,并确保他们对下属员工也保持同样的培训记录。
· Carry out probationary period and formal performance evaluation according to company guidelines.按照公司准则执行试用期和正式的绩效评估。
· Guide, coach and instruct employees to provide constructive feedback to improve performance.指导、辅导和训导员工,提供有建设性的反馈以提高绩效。
· Supervise and review work plans to ensure maximum productivity in accordance with labor law.监管和审阅工作计划以确保按照劳动法最大化生产力。
· Consider all holidays after the occupancy rate of the hotel.考虑酒店入住率情况后审批所有休假。
· Communicate with employees regularly to maintain good relationship.定期与员工沟通以维护良好关系。
· Ensure that all potential and factual security risks are timely reported and corrected.确保及时报告和纠正所有潜在和实际的安全风险。
· Be familiar with fire fighting, emergency handling and bomb disposal procedures of all departments.熟悉所有部门的消防、紧急事件处理和炸弹处理程序。
· Ensure that all emergency plans are rehearsed, implemented and strengthened to protect the safety of guests and staff.确保所有的紧急方案都经过演练,实施和加强,以保护客人和员工的安全。
· Strictly abide by the existing laws and regulations, and better implement the rules and regulations of the hotel, so as to ensure the safety of all personnel and articles inside the hotel.严格遵守现有法律法规,更好地执行酒店的规章制度,确保酒店内所有人员和物品的安全。
· Ensure that all employees in all departments are working under safe conditions and cannot work in a damaged or dangerous environment.确保所有部门的所有员工都在安全的条件下工作,禁止在可能导致受伤或危险的环境中工作。
· Use the safety manual technology and practice the safety working habits of the group's health and safety environment policies, and keep our environmental and pollution protection to the minimum working procedure.使用安全手册技术并实践集团健康、安全环境政策下的安全工作习惯,将环境污染保持在最低限度。
· Ensure confidentiality and all data relating to the hotel regardless of software and hardware security.确保与酒店有关的所有数据的机密性,无论软件和硬件安全性如何。
· Adhere to hotel network and mail policy.遵守酒店网络和邮件政策。
· Ensure the confidentiality of information about the hotel, guest and staff, or other relevant information after the employee is in or out of office.确保在员工在职或离职后对酒店、客人和员工信息或者其它的相关信息保密。
· Show the occupational health and safety policies and procedures of attention, and to ensure that all procedures in accordance with the occupational safety and health and safety guidelines to ensure that directly under the management of employees is performed according to the requirements.展现对职业健康和安全政策和流程的注重,并确保所有程序都按照职业健康和安全的指导原则安全开展,确保直属管理的员工也按照此要求执行。
· Strengthen the sense of responsibility and comply with the regulations, policies and procedures of occupational health and safety.加强责任意识,遵守职业健康和安全的规定、政策和流程。
· Familiar with hotel safety, first aid and fire emergency procedures, and strengthen awareness within the scope of supervisors.熟悉酒店安全、急救和消防应急程序,并在主管范围内加强意识。
· Take action to rectify the danger situation and inform the corresponding supervisor of the potential danger.采取行动整改危险情况,并将潜在危险告知相应主管。
· Responsible for the reception work of important guests, maintain a wide connection with all sectors of society, and build a good internal and external image of the company.负责重要客人的接待工作,保持与社会各界的广泛联系,塑造企业良好的内、外部形象。
· Your JD would be updated base on needs. We would acknowledge the latest JD signed.根据工作需要或工作调动,您的岗位职责将会被调整,以最新版本为准。
Job Knowledge / Skill:
a) Rich in hotel and business management knowledge, Rich knowledge in related fields, Ability to interpret events or information in order to improve the present situation and demonstrate leadership management skills, Ability to communicate effectively with multiple levels.
b) Knowledgeable in office working system and Hotel Management System Such as Opera system. Familiar with hotel Opera system and night audit execution procedure.
c) Ability to speak and write fluent English in necessary.
d) Knowledge on third language is an advantage.
e) Excellent leadership ability, organizing ability, knowledge on management, own the high-level communication ability.
f) Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time, when interacting with others, demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
专业及技能 :
1) 具备丰富的酒店及商务管理知识,丰富的相关领域工作知识,能够分析解读事件或信息,以便改善现在状况表现出领导管理能力,高效沟通能力,能够与多个层级沟通;
2) 熟练掌握Opera酒店管理系统和夜审执行程序,熟练操作电脑office软件;
3) 具备良好的中英文会话和写作能力;
4) 会其他语言的优先;
5) 卓越的领导、组织、生产管理能力,拥有良好的人际关系及沟通技巧;
6) 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。
Major in Travel Industry Management or Hotel Management.
a) Director-Rooms in a branded luxurious hotel or resorts;
b) Minimum of 5 - 7 years’ experiences as Hotel Manager.
1) 曾担任过奢华酒店或度假酒店的房务总监;
2) 至少5-7年担任驻店经理的经验。
Additional Skill required:
a) Adaptability to new culture, good at changing concept and understanding.
b) Good marketing skills.
c) Good communication skills.
d) Sharp observation.
e) Strong team work spirit.
f) Result oriented, strain capacity.
g) Optimistic attitude.
h) Gentle behavior.
i) Perfectionism.
j) Detail oriented.
k) Respect internal team member and external guest equally.
l) Willingness to help others.
m) Grace and elegant presentation.
n) Sincere and consideration.
o) Excellent interpersonal skills
p) Good Intelligence Quotient & Emotional Quotient is very crucial.
1) 善于接纳新文化观念和理解变化;
2) 优良的销售技巧;
3) 优良的沟通技巧;
4) 敏锐的观察力;
5) 极强的团队合作能力;
6) 以追求完美结果为行为导向;
7) 迅速的应变能力;
8) 心态好;
9) 行为沉稳;
10) 追求完美;
11) 注重细节;
12) 同等尊重外部客人与内部伙伴;
13) 乐于助人;
14) 优雅端庄;
15) 真诚体贴;
16) 处理人际关系的技巧;
17) 高智商、高情商。

