Swisstouches Hotels & Resorts瑞士瑞斯丽酒店管理集团──源于瑞士、由瑞士人自主经营管理的瑞士酒店品牌Swisstouches has a splendid and enchanting appearance with elegance and a unique style. We are strongly focusing on superior and quality personalised high quality services for our guests, in order to provide our guests a unique and unforgettable experience. Coming all the way from the beautiful and magnificent Switzerland, Europe, Swisstouches International Hotel and Resorts is now officially opening hotels and resorts just as fine as the Swiss watch, in one of the most vibrant and dynamic cities in China, Guangzhou.Swisstouches focuses on creating an easy working atmosphere and planning long-time career development for hotel employees, who will be certificated with a Swiss hotel management training diploma. "Arrive as a staff member, become a manager" "Arrive as a manager, become a general manager". Welcome to join professional Swisstouches Hotels and Resorts Management Family!“Swisstouches”瑞斯丽酒店管理集团旨在为全球客户提供瑞士一流的酒店管理与服务,总部位于瑞士阿尔卑斯山下风光旖旎,景致迷人的卢赛恩市。这里是瑞斯丽所有理念,管理及经营模式的研发地。“Swisstouches”是由瑞士人自主经营管理的瑞士酒店品牌,已正式进驻中国市场,为中国酒店业带来世界一流的瑞士酒店管理与培训,突出瑞士独特,温馨和放松的酒店特点,于细微之处体现瑞士高品质的精致生活,使客人真正感受到瑞士的酒店风情。我们的理念是:追求独特,不断创新。从遥远欧洲的美丽瑞士,落户于朝气蓬勃的广州市,瑞士瑞斯丽国际酒店管理集团将精心打造瑞士钟表般精致的豪华酒店及度假村。瑞斯丽酒店管理集团注重对员工轻松工作氛围的营造及长期职业生涯的规划,为不同级别的员工提供瑞士国际酒店旅游管理学院的专业培训,并颁发证书。“现在的员工,未来的经理”,“现在的经理,未来的总经理”。欢迎加入瑞斯丽专业酒店管理大家庭!...查看全部