扬州奥卓雅居酒店公寓位于江苏省仪征市最具活力的核心区域—滨江新城,毗邻汽车工业园区,紧靠宝能城市广场商业中心,尽享生活的便利、轻松与惬意。扬州奥卓雅居公寓由国际知名酒店公寓品牌奥卓国际(Oakwood Worldwide)管理,是仪征市首家国际品牌酒店公寓。每间公寓均配置现代化厨房设施及国际标准的高档的客用品,提供包括健身中心、悦食餐厅酒吧、礼宾服务、会议与宴会设施等。现代化的居家设施与热情周到的酒店服务相得益彰,满足短期和长期住宿客人的商务及休闲出行需求,只等您随时轻松入住。Oakwood Apartments Yangzhou is located in Binjiang New Town, the first international serviced apartments in Yangzhou. Comprehensive services including 24-hour front desk, concierge, security and full business services are available. The Fitness Center is open 24 hours daily.Within walking distance to Baoneng Shopping Center, Oakwood Apartments Yangzhou is also in close proximity to the Automobile Industrial Park, allowing residents to enjoy convenience, ease and comfort.奥卓的黄金标准赋予我们竞争的优势,使我们在竞争中与众不同,处于竞争前列,吸收并留住优秀的员工。作为一名奥卓的成员,你将为你的工作感到骄傲,并能得到:Oakwood Golden Rules gives us competitive advantage that makes us different from the others, and keep us at the top, to attract and retain outstanding employees. As a member of Oakwood, you will be proud of your job and get following chances:*职业晋升机会 Promotion Prospect*有架构的培训 Structured Training*有竞争力的工资及福利 Competitive Salary & Benefit*更好的工作环境 Better Work Environment*公司的繁荣和持久 Prosperous and Sustained ...查看全部