便捷交通,轻松畅游 Convenient Traffic for Easy Trip酒店地处历史悠久,人文荟萃的吴中区中心地段,紧邻地铁3号线、4号线,距苏州火车站仅需20分钟车程,距离苏南硕放机场50公里。地理位置优越,交通便利。可轻松前往四大名园之一的网师园,盘门景区,观前街等热门景点,尽情探索千年古城的多样魅力。The hotel enjoys superior location with convenient transportation. Located in the center of Wuzhong District with a long history and rich culture. It's adjacent to metro stations of Line 3 and 4, only takes 20 minutes' drive to Suzhou railway station and 50 km away from Sunan Shuofang Airport. You can easily go to popular scenic spots such as the Master-of-Nets Garden, Panmen, Guanqian Street, etc. Whenever you go, just enjoy and explore the diversified charm of the ancient city. 格调客房,愉悦享受 Exquisite Room with Style酒店拥有172间精美的客房,包含8间精致套房。现代简约的格调设计点亮每次入住的舒适心情。房内配备高速网络连接、55寸高清液晶电视及USB插口。置身其中享受一杯咖啡或热茶,顿时倍感惬意,宽大的工作空间助力高效工作,品牌专属福朋喜来登舒适之床(Four Points by Sheraton Four ComfortTM bed)让您安享一夜酣眠。The hotel provides 175 exquisite rooms, including 8 exquisite suites. Modern and simple design refreshes you at each stay. Each room equipped with high-speed network, 55-inch high definition LCD TV and USB socket. Enjoying a cup of coffee or tea in the room, the spacious working space, together with Four Points by Sheraton Four ComfortTM bed, allow you to work and relax with all the comforts....查看全部