
Hygiene Manager 卫生经理

  • 三亚
  • 经验不限
  • 学历不限
  • 五险一金
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 包吃包住
  • 人性化管理
  • 领导好
Personal Hygiene 个人卫生
Implement 实施:
o Critical Control Points System 关键点控制系统
o Control system procedures 控制系统程序
o Evaluation of corrective actions 纠正措施的评估
o Staff medical records updating system 员工医疗记录更新系统
Ensure 确保:
o Hand wash basins are available near each work area 每个工作区域附近都配备洗手盆
o Staff wash their hands thoroughly and as often as necessary 员工视必要性经常彻底清洗双手
o Staff report all illnesses and do visit the doctor 员工报告所有疾病并的确去看医生
o Excessive jewellery are not to be worn in the kitchen 厨房员工不佩戴过多首饰
o Uniform to be changed at least on a daily basis 制服至少每天更换一次
o All infections on the hands of the employees are covered 员工手部的所有感染均应包扎
o Hair should always be clean and tidy and chefs to wear headgear 头发应始终保持干净整洁,厨师应佩戴帽子
o Smoking is prohibited in the kitchen 厨房中禁止吸烟
o To keep changing rooms in clean and tidy condition 保持更衣室干净和整洁
o To carry out training in hygiene food preparation practices 进行食品制备卫生规范的培训
Report to 汇报关系:
o Human Resources Director and Division 向人力资源总监和部门汇报
o Heads for all matters related to the staff hygiene 向所有与员工卫生相关事务的负责人汇报
Premises 场地
Implement 实施:
o Critical control points 关键控制点
o F&B and Engineering preventive maintenance list 餐饮和工程部维修保养清单
o Action plan rectification 行动计划整改
Ensure 确保:
o As per the IHG FSMS booklet 参照IHG食品安全管理系统手册
Report to 汇报关系:
o Chief Engineer for all matters related to maintenance of equipment 与设备维修保养相关的所有事务,向总工程师汇报
o Executive Chef for all matters related to kitchen bad practices 与厨房违规行为相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报
o Chief Steward for all matters related to kitchen cleanliness 与厨房清洁相关的所有事务,向总管事汇报
Delivery and Storage 交货与货物存放
Implement 实施:
o Tracking system for control of supplier operating licenses 控制供应商操作许可证的跟踪系统
o Daily checklist by shift for chiller temperature control 冷库温度控制的每日轮班检查表
o Control of dry store food rotation 干货存储周转的控制
Ensure 确保:
o Specification / quality / delivery records for perishable food items 易腐食品的规格/质量/交货记录
o Items to be removed from delivery packaging and transferred in washable containers 除去物品的交货包装,转移到可清洗的容器中
o Sufficient and well maintained refrigeration equipment functioning at correct temperatures 充足和妥善保养的冷冻设备,以正确的温度运作
o Daily spot check on storage conditions and holding temperatures 每日抽查储存条件和保持的温度
o Food stock rotation practices are adhered to 遵守食品存货周转规范
Report to 汇报关系:
o Assistant Purchasing Manager for all matters related to suppliers storage and receiving 与供应商存储和收货相关的所有事务,向采购副经理汇报
o Executive Chef for all matters related to quality of food items received 与收到食品的质量相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报
o Chief Engineering for all matters related to refrigeration system 与制冷系统相关的所有事务,向总工程师汇报
Preparation and storage 食品的制备和储藏
o Cooking control points 烹饪控制点
o Storage control points 储藏控制点
o Serving control points 供应控制点
Ensure 确保:
o Segregation of all raw and cooked food procedures are strictly observed 严格遵守所有生食和熟食分离的程序
o To carry out sanitizing / disinfection procedures 执行消毒/杀菌程序
o Temperature and time controls are in place to ensure all cooking is thorough and properly carried out 落实温度和时间控制,确保所有烹饪均得到彻底、正确的实施
o To ensure rapid chilling after cooking 确保烹饪后的迅速冷却
o Appropriate holding for at hot temperatures until serving 在供应前适当的高温保温o Food not
consumed must be disposed of immediately 残余食物必须被立即处理
Report to 汇报关系:
o Executive Chef for all matters related to food preparation 与食品制备相关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报
o Chief Steward for all matters related to cleanliness and sanitation of equipment and utensils 与设备和器具的清洁和卫生相关的所有事务,向管事经理汇报
Cleaning 清洁
Implement 实施:
o Regular tour of the house with Executive Chef / Chief Steward and Duty Engineer 与行政总厨/总管事和值班工程师定期巡视酒店
o Monthly Hygiene Committee to review minutes and outstanding issues 每月一次卫生委员会回顾会议记录和未解决的问题
o Dishwashing control points 洗碗控制点
o Sanitation / Disinfection of all critical surfaces and utensils 所有关键的表面和器具的消毒/杀菌
o Correct concentration for chemical products 化学品的正确浓度
o Application of correct chemical for correct use 正确使用正确的化学品
o Items protected from contamination after disinfection 物品杀菌后避免污染
o Suitable methods are used to make sure that cleaning is effective 使用适当的方法确保清洁有效
o To check the temperature of wash and rinse 检查清洗和冲洗的温度
o All equipment used for cleaning are to be hygienically stored 所有用于清洁的设备应卫生地存放
o Cleaning products are to be safely stored away from food清洗产品应远离食品安全存放
o Cleaning products must be properly labeled and identified 清洗产品必须有正确的标签能被适当识别
Report to 汇报关系:
o Chief Steward for all matters related to cleanliness of the food production 与食品加工的清洁有关的所有事务,向管事经理汇报
o Chemical Supplier for all matters related to chemical handling 与化学品处理有关的所有事务,向化学品供应商汇报
Training 培训
Implement 实施:
o Involvement in Food Safety training for food handlers 参与食品加工人员的食品安全培训
o Evaluation of efficiency of training from chemical supplier 评估化学品供应商所提供培训的效果
Ensure 确保:
o Participation of all staff to the Food Safety training 所有员工参加食品安全培训
o Full respect of Food Handling best practices 全面遵守食品加工的最佳实践
Report to 汇报关系:
o Training Manager for all matters related to the content of the training 与培训内容有关的所有事务,向培训经理汇报
o Executive Chef for all matters related to non-participation of food production staff 与不参加培训的食品加工员工有关的所有事务,向行政总厨汇报
o Chief Steward for all matters related to Chemical Supplier training 与化学品供应商培训有关的所有事务,向总管事汇报
Document and Control 文档和控制
Implement 实施:
o Weekly checklist for Food Preparation / Storekeeper / Cost Control / Stewarding / Food Production 食品制备/仓库管理员/成本控制/管事/食品加工的每周检查清单
o Monthly Food Safety Training report 食品安全培训月度报告
o Monthly Food Lab Test report 食品实验室检测月度报告
o Chemical Supplier Group Audit report 化学品供应商集团审计报告
Ensure 确保:
o Top management is fully aware of high risk areas for food-borne illnesses最高管理层充分意识到可能引发食源性疾病的高风险领域
o Recommendation for future improvement 今后改进的建议
o High confidentiality from internal results 内部结果的高度机密性
o Full integrity in carrying the Audits 实施审计过程中的充分诚信
Report to 汇报关系:
o Monthly, summary of Food Safety Management Program Checklist to / GM/ RM / DOFB / Executive Chef) 每月将食品安全管理计划检查清单总结报告给总经理/驻店经理/餐饮总监/行政总厨
o Monthly, Minute of the Food Hygiene Committee Meeting to General Manager (copy DFB / Executive Chef / CE / ADOHR/ Director of F&BS)
o 每月将食品卫生委员会会议记录报告给总经理(抄送餐饮总监/行政总厨/总工程师/人力资源副总监/财务及业务支持总监)

