钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团2007 年,钓鱼台国宾馆携手美国美高梅国际酒店集团合资成立钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团,这一高端酒店管理平台致力于以别具一格的高端酒店、府邸、购物和娱悦体验,传颂钓鱼台与美高梅珠联璧合的款客之道。集团以“融·和”为信条,秉持“融合中西精彩,创新旅居生活”的使命,志在成为全球领先的旅居服务集团。集团开发及运营有六个酒店品牌和一个住宅品牌,分别是钓鱼台、宝丽嘉、美高梅、美高梅美幻、美高梅美荟,美高梅麦思精选和钓鱼台美高梅公馆。目前已开业的酒店包括居于亚龙湾中心位置的三亚美高梅度假酒店(2011 年开业)、坐落在 300 年历史宽窄巷子中的成都钓鱼台精品酒店(2014 年开业)、坐拥外滩两岸无敌景观的上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店(2018 年开业)、方山脚下的南京鲁能美高梅美荟酒店(2021 年开业),以及徐汇滨江地标上海西岸美高梅酒店(2023 年开业),集团在青岛、广州、深圳、珠海、陵水、武汉等地还将陆续开业多家酒店。此外,钓鱼台美高梅公馆已入驻北京、海口、三亚等多个门户城市。了解更多详情,请登陆集团网站:www.dytmgm.comDIAOYUTAI MGM HOSPITALITYDiaoyutaiMGM Hospitality, the joint venture between Diaoyutai StateGuesthouse in China and MGM Resorts International in the United States, is a high-endhotel management platform focusing on the development of hotels and resorts,residences, and entertainment experiences, bringing a shared culture ofhospitality inherited from the parent company brands to the worldwidestage. With its credo of “Combine to Innovate”, Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality iscommitted to creating a new style of travel and living by combininggreatness of the world, aiming to become the world leading travel and livingexperience group. Atpresent, there are six hotel brands and one residence brand under theumbrella of Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality - Diaoyutai, Bellagio by MGM, MGM, Mirage byMGM, Mhub by MGM and mx by MGM, as well as Diaoyutai MGM Residences. MGM GrandSanya in the center of Yalong Bay (2011), Diaoyutai Boutique HotelChengdu in 300-year-old Kuanzhai Alley (2014), Bellagio Shanghai withmagnificent view on the North Bund (2018), Mhub by MGM Nanjing Jiangning atthe foot of Fangshan Mountain (2021) and MGM Shanghai West Bund as the landmark of XuhuiBinjiang (2023)have been officially opened. Meanwhile, a number of hotel projects are in thepipeline in Qingdao, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Lingshui, Wuhan, etc.Diaoyutai MGM Residences have opened the doors in gateway cities like Beijing, Haikou and Sanya.For more information, please visit groupwebsite at查看全部