苏州尼盛万丽酒店是由万豪国际管理的豪华型国际品牌酒店。酒店座落于苏州中央商贸区工业园区与市区交界处。毗邻中央公园、李公堤国际风情水街、湖滨新天地等众多休闲场所。国际博览中心、科文中心及圆融时代广场、久光百货等园区主要商业圈同样近在咫尺,往来沪宁高速、苏嘉杭高速十分便捷,是您商务及休闲旅行理想的下榻之地。 苏州尼盛万丽酒店楼高20层,客房融合了粉墙黛瓦、小桥流水、亭台楼阁等极具当地特色的设计元素,每间客房均可享受城市美景,为商旅、度假人士提供一流的入住体验。 苏州尼盛万丽酒店的万丽咖啡厅,提供多国风味的自助餐;万丽轩中餐厅特聘香港名厨,以广帮菜为主,更设多间风格独特的包厢,必将成为美食家的首选;尊贵的宾客还可在轻松的大堂酒吧及酒廊品尝美酒,与中央公园的美景相伴,或在二十四小时开放的健身中心挥汗如雨,享受属于自己的休闲时光。 苏州尼盛万丽酒店拥有总面积达558平方米的会议及宴会设施,资深热情的宴会策划团队,专业个性的服务,度身设计的会议方案,配套齐全的设备,助您轻松地为活动画上圆满的句号。 苏州尼盛万丽酒店开业来,承接了各类国际会议、活动。为各类宾客带来了国际品牌的一流体验。酒店在赢得众多万豪集团奖项的同时,也得到了各界的认可,先后获得了万豪集团颁发“万豪集团国际酒店类别2007年度最佳酒店”;《私家地理》杂志颁发的“2007中国百佳酒店”; 连续三年荣获苏州市人民政府颁发的“年度苏州旅游行业先进集体奖”;以及苏州工业园区管委会颁发“苏州工业园区2006年度服务业先进企业奖”。 苏州尼盛万丽酒店――尽是万丽独特之处。The Renaissance Suzhou Hotel, a Marriot International-managed leading deluxe hotel, is located in the Suzhou Industrial Park, with all its parks and activities, just on the border of downtown Suzhou. Within walking distance of Central Park, Ligong Causeway Street and Rainbow Walk, the hotel offers easy access to expressways, city attractions, the Suzhou International Expo Center and the Suzhou Science & Cultural Arts Center. Room designs highlight the classic Suzhou garden with accents of modern styling. Guests enjoy cozy, refined Renaissance ambience throughout the hotel, and throughout their stays.The Renaissance Brasserie provides fine international buffets while the Wan Li Chinese Restaurant serves authentic Cantonese cuisine rarely found in Suzhou. The picturesque garden them extends into the lobby lounge, creating a venue conducive to both business and leisure socialization. World-class meeting facilities include an 558-square-meter function space, comprising a lavish ballroom, meeting rooms and audiovisual technologies.Since opening, the Renaissance Suzhou Hotel won honors as a "China's Top 100 Hotel" by Travel and Leisure Magazine....查看全部