Autograph Collection Hotels傲途格精选酒店Exactly like nothing else“全然 ▪ 无双”做为万豪国际旗下“臻选典藏”系列中年轻品牌,傲途格精选酒店从别具一格到卓著豪华,雅致设计为您带来非凡体验。傲途格精选酒店倡导原创,追求个性,每间“全然 ▪ 无双”的傲途格精选酒店均质量卓越、特立独行,打造超群的体验,体现着创办人别具特色的个人愿景。Autograph Collection Hotels celebrates individuality by curating one-of-a-kind travel experiences at over 200 upper- upscale to luxury lifestyle hotels found in the world’s most desirable destinations. Exactly like nothing else, Autograph Collection properties are hand-selected for their rich character and uncommon details.At Autograph Collection, we celebrate individuality and stand against “one-size-fits all.” Hotels are selected that offer unique perspectives on design, craft and hospitality. To deliver on-branded hotels, Autograph Collection hotels are tasked to exemplify and bring to life four distinct brand principles Product of Vision, Heartfelt Design, Dedication to Craft and a Sense of Place.For travelers who approach life like a Master Class, Autograph Collection Hotels delivers rich moments, exactly like nothing else, that leave a lasting imprint; targeting a consumer that seeks unique travel experiences to add to their personal narrative....查看全部