Ensures the deliveryof brand promise and provides exceptional guest service at all times.确保品牌承诺的传递并随时提供超出客人期望的服务。Handles all guest andinternal customer complaints and inquiries in a courteous and efficient manner,following through to make sure problems are resolved satisfactorily.礼貌和有效地处理所有客户和内部宾客的投诉和需求,并跟进关注问题已被满意的解决。Establishes a rapportwith guests maintaining good customer relationships.建立对客人的密切关注并保持良好的宾客关系。Ensures that minimumbrand standards have been implemented.确保酒店的品牌标准及营运标准被执行。Ensures that all Foodand Beverage Essentials are implemented.确保餐饮部基本准则被执行。