§ 协助制定,维护和更新部门营运手册,部门营运手册应当反映出酒店政策和程序以及工作过程和标准。确保每年进行回顾,反映出改变。
Assists with thedevelopment and maintenance of a detailed Departmental Operations Manual thatreflects Policies & Procedures, work processes and standards of performancewithin the Division. Ensures annualreview to accurately reflect any changes.
§ 帮助做年度房务部经营预算的准备,确定充分体现酒店的经营目标和员工的需求。
Assists with thepreparation of the annual Rooms Business Plan, ensuring Divisional Objectivesfully address business objectives of the Hotel and needs of associates.
§ 帮助部门经理准备和定时更新部门预算,确定目标被达到,而且费用有效地被控制。
Assists with the preparation and regular update of the HousekeepingDepartmental Budget, in close cooperation with the Departmental Manager,ensuring targets are met and costs are effectively controlled.
§ 监督以及合理分配洗窗、公区和后场清洁的外包供应商的工作任务。
Ensures proper work assignments to the contract cleaners of windows,public and back of house areas.
§ 遇到投诉或问题,如果不能立即找到解决的方法,则向客房部副经理汇报。
Reports complaintsor problems to Assistant Housekeeping Manager if no immediate solution can befound.
§ 确保具有营销员的态度并在酒店内随时发现销售的机会。
Ensures a sales attitudeis adopted at all times and maintains an awareness of all sales opportunitieswithin the Hotel.
§ 确保具有高水平的酒店产品知识,以便在机会出现时,宣传/销售餐厅产品及其它设施/活动。
Ensures a high levelof product knowledge of hotel in order to promote/ upsells F&B outlets andother facilities/ programmes whenever opportunities arise.
§ 确保持续高水平的宾客服务。
Ensures a high levelof customer service is consistently maintained.
§ 确保将来自客人或其他部门的反馈意见与客房部副经理进行沟通。
Ensures the Assistant Housekeeping Manager is kept fully awareof any relevant feedback from either customers or other departments.
§ 遵守酒店有关客房部的政策及程序。
Complies with theHotel’s Policies & Procedures relating to Housekeeping.
§ 遵从房务部定立的系统及程序。
Complies with allsystems and procedures as laid down by Rooms Division.
§ 确保公共区域的清洁达到凯悦品牌的标准。
Ensures thecleanliness of public areas meet HyattBrand Standards.
§ 确保正确地存放及发出日常清洁用品。
Ensures properstorage and issues the daily cleaning supplies.
§ 管理库存,确保充足的用品供应。
Manages inventory ofstock to ensure adequate supplies.
§ 检查公共区域、餐厅及大堂,如发现需要维修及更换的家具或设备,向客房部副经理提出建议。
Inspects Head of House, outside areas of the Hotel,restaurants and Lobby to determine needs for repairs or replacement offurniture or equipment, and makes recommendations to Assistant HousekeepingManager.
§ 指引和协助分配清洁人员的工作。
Directs and assistsin assigning work to cleaning personnel.
§ 检查走廊、楼梯间、服务区域、大堂及其它公共区域,以保证这些地方的干净、整齐。
Inspects corridors,staircases, service areas, Lobby, and other public areas for cleanliness andorderliness.
§ 向工程部报告所有须要保养或维修的项目。
Report allmaintenance or repair items to Engineering department.
§ 协调执行所有餐厅的清洁及特别项目。
Carries out allOutlet cleaning and special projects.
§ 发放、检查及控制所有清洁用品和设备。
Issues, inspects,and controls all cleaning products and equipment.
§ 确保按照部门运营手册的要求补齐客人卫生间的用品。
Ensures guestwashrooms supplies being replenished as per the Department Operations Manualrequirements.
§ 报告所有遗失及损坏的酒店财产。
Reports missing anddamaged hotel property.
§ 根据酒店“失物招领”制度,报告并处理所有失物招领事项。
Reports and handlesall Lost & Found items as per Hotel “Lost and Found” policy.
§ 保持恰当的记录并掌控客房部日常运营及报表。
Maintains properrecords and controls daily housekeeping operations and reports.
§ 确保所有供应品、设备及储藏室的整洁。
Ensures thecleanliness of all supplies, equipment and storage rooms.
§ 根据日程安排,督导所有对公共区家具和大理石台面的清洁、保养。
Supervises allcleaning and maintenance works of all fixtures and marble surfaces in publicareas have been carried out according to the schedule.
§ 督导对酒店周围路径的清洁工作。
Supervises andcarries out the cleanliness of the pavements around the Hotel.
§ 确保植物和花卉的浇灌工作。
Ensures all plantsand flowers are watered as needed.
§ 根据计划或要求,督导对所有办公室的清洁工作。
Supervises alloffices cleaning works been carried out as per schedule or as requested.
§ 根据酒店的政策和客房部的规定使用和控制钥匙。
Use and controlhotel keys according to hotel policy and Housekeeping principle.
Payroll & ProductivityManagement
§ 通过在整个部门内建立灵活的员工编制,实施高效的薪资管理/资源分配。 这将依据一个灵活的员工基数(全职员工和临时工)、多技能及多任务的原则。
Exercises efficientPayroll Management/ Resources allocation through the establishment of aflexible workforce through out the Division. This will be based on theprinciples of a flexible associate base (Full Time & Part Time associates),multi-skilling and multi-tasking.
§ 指导下属确保生产力水平满足凯悦设计标准和凯悦酒店集团房务部营运手册的要求。
Directs subordinatesto ensure productivity meets Hyatt Brand Standards and Housekeeping OperationsManual requirements.
§ 通过“灵活处理工作”(适当情况下)和简化工作流程,来回顾和不断探索所有员工的生产力水平改善。
Reviews andconstantly seeks productivity level improvements of all associates through theprocess of “taking work out of the system” (when appropriate) and throughstreamlining of work process.
§ 确保工作安排的合理性,跟进工作质量和进展。
Ensure the reasonabilityof daily task assignment and monitor the quality and process.
People Management
§ 协助发展客房员工并跟进工作运作、财务、以及管理的哲学,使他们成为多功能及多任务的原则。
Assists with the development of Housekeeping associates to workfollowing the operational, financial, administrative philosophies and ensuringemployees are multi-skilled and perform multi tasks.
§ 通过参与管理,对所有公共区域服务员进行紧密督导,使他们的表现符合政策、程序及有关法律。
Through hands-onmanagement, supervises closely all Housekeeping associates in the performanceof their duties in accordance with Policies & Procedures and applicablelaws.
§ 适当地分配职责和责任,以使员工掌握技能并获得资源;在确保保持运营及安全标准的同时,关心并发展员工。
Delegatesappropriately duties and responsibilities to equipped and resourceful associates,nurturing and developing them whilst ensuring standards of operations andsafety are maintained.
§ 拥护和支持酒店的培训精神和以人为本的管理哲学,并和进修及培训发展部经理密切合作培养和发展部门培训员。
Instils and supportsthe Training initiatives and philosophies of the company and works closely withthe Training Manager in developing a team of active Departmental Trainers.
§ 参与培训角色并发展员工。
Takes an active rolein the training and development of associates.
§ 发展及协助针对提高技能和知识的培训活动。
Develops and assistswith training activities focused on improving skills and knowledge.
§ 确保员工完全理解酒店的规章制度并遵照执行。
Ensures associateshave a complete understanding of the Rules & Regulations, and thatbehaviour complies.
§ 关注员工士气并对工作表现及发展提供反馈。
Monitors associatemorale and provides mechanism for performance feedback and development.
§ 进行员工年度表现发展评估,提供真实和准确的回馈。
Conducts annual performance development review forrespective associates and providing truthful and appropriate feedback.
§ 将指导原则及核心价值高效沟通给所有层级的员工。
Effectivelycommunicates guiding principles and core values to all levels of associates.
§ 每日进行简短的例会,分配任务,并让员工了解当天特殊活动和指令。
Conducts short,daily briefings to hand out assignments and to keep associates informed ofspecial events and instructions.
§ 确保所有员工对酒店产品知识、当前推广、政策改变的最新了解及保持高效的内部沟通。
Ensures all associatesmaintain an up-to-date awareness of hotel product knowledge, current promotion,policy changes and appropriate internal communication.
§ 确保每一个员工时刻保持并履行高度保护客人隐私的意识。
Ensures all associates practice the utmostprotection of guests’ privacy and confidentiality.
§ 确定部门提供的服务随时可用,并按照部门运作手册所详述的标准,以最高的效率、一致性和礼貌来执行。
Ensures servicesprovided by the department are always available and are always carried out todefine Standard with the utmost efficiency, consistency and courtesy asdetailed in the Departmental Operations Manual.
§ 参加所有有需要的会议。
Attends andcontributes to all Meetings as required.
§ 确保任何时间都提供礼貌且专业的服务。
Ensures all associatesprovide courteous and professional service at all times.
§ 以礼貌、高效的方式处理客人及员工的要求,遇到投诉或问题,如果不能马上找到解决办法,则进行汇报,并给予迅速追踪。
Handles guest and associateenquiries in a courteous and efficient manner, reporting complaints or problemsif no immediate solution can be found, whilst providing feedback for a promptfollow up.
§ 了解关于员工及行业关系的法律、法规,理解并严格遵守员工手册中的规章制度,及酒店关于防火、卫生、健康和安全的制度。
Be knowledgeable instatutory legislation in associate and industrial relations, understanding andstrictly adhering to Rules & Regulations established in the AssociateHandbook and the Hotel’s policies concerning fire, hygiene and health &safety.
§ 积极参与员工福利、安全、发展及健康的活动,并给予建议、咨询和真实、恰当的反馈。
Be actively involvedin the welfare, safety, development and well-being of associates providingadvice, counselling and truthful, diplomatic feedback.
§ 确保高水准的个人形象和仪容仪表。
Ensures highstandards of personal presentation and grooming.
§ 与客人和同事保持基于良好工作关系的接触。
Maintainspositive interaction with guests and colleagues and keep good workingrelationships with them as always.
§ 始终展现负责的管理和行为,并以积极的形象代表酒店管理团队和凯悦酒店集团。
Exercisesresponsible management and behaviour at all times and positively representingthe Hotel Management Team and Hyatt Hotels Corporation.
§ 协助提供特殊主题派对和其他必要的促销活动的装饰。
Assists in providingdecorations for special theme parties and other promotions as necessary.
§ 确保适当的安排维护公区的花草和植物。
Ensures properarrangement and maintenance of flowers and plants in the public areas.
§ 根据酒店、行业和公司的指引,回应需求、改变,执行任何合理的任务及额外职责。
Responds to requeststo undertake any reasonable tasks and secondary duties and to changes asdictated by the Hotel, industry and company.
§ 灵活并接受在房务部内的分部门之间的轮换工作。
Be flexible andadapt to rotate within the different sub departments of the Rooms Division.
- 国际联号工作经验:优先
- 语言要求:中国普通话-熟练
- 计算机能力:良好