
培训经理Training Manager

  • 三亚
  • 3年以上
  • 本科
  • 提供食宿
  • 五险一金
  • 带薪年假
  • 温馨的氛围
  • 完善的福利
  • 丰富的活动
  • 系统的培训
  • 优越的位置
  • 广阔的平台
  • 节日礼物
  • 员工生日礼物
Analyze training needs of the hotel in general and individual departments, and develop strategies which address needs, presenting in the form of a Training Business Plan for the Executive Committee for review分析整个酒店和各个部门的培训需要,并做出满足需要的培训策略,拟成商业培训计划在行政委员会上讨论Familiarize yourself with the HUAYU Group HR and Training Standards, localizing where necessary熟悉华宇集团的人力资源管理和培训标准,根据需要将其地方化。Ensure effective training programs are in place for the following:确保以下的培训项目有效进行:New Employee Orientation新员工入职培训Train the Trainer 培训导师培训Customer Service Training对客服务培训Technical job specific training (through certification of departmental standards and procedures)工作技能培训(达到部门标准和程序的给予资格证明)Supervisory Skills Training管理技巧培训Management Development管理发展Fire, Life and SafetyTraining防火安全培训Selling Skills 销售技巧培训Employee retraining员工再教育
Monitor the progress of the Training Business Plan for each department to ensure that the training objectives are being achieved监督每个部门的商业培训计划的实施过程以确保达到培训目的Maintains all hotel training records维护酒店所有的培训记录Establish a training library of books, videos, journals and audio visual materials to assist trainers in their training programs and for staff personal development建立培训书籍,录音带,报刊和影音材料的储备库来协助培训师的培训课程以及满足员工个人发展需要Design, produce and implement training programmes which meet specific departmental needs in conjunction with Department Heads, ensuring that training session plans are structured and that training is effective同部门经理一起设计、实施满足部门特殊需要的培训项目,确保培训课程的组织性和有效性Attend departmental training session and critique performance参加部门培训课程和培训效果评估工作Use ICHG benchmarks to monitor success of training programs and amend your efforts accordingly. Eg: CAPS, GSI, achievement of budget, etc通过宾客满意度调查,员工满意度调查和生意预算的达成情况监控培训课程的成效,并据此修正培训重点Assist Department Trainers in preparing and conducting departmental training and assess accordingly协助部门培训师准备和进行部门培训Prepare and monitor training programs for:准备和监督以下培训课程Management Trainees管理实习生Work Experience实习Hotel School Trainees, etc酒店学校实习生等等Obtain a network of specialist training professionals who can assist with the conduct of training programmes for advanced or specialist training获得一种与专业的培训师的工作关系网,他们能够协助管理培训课程,提供先进的专业的培训Ensure that Department Heads abide by their responsibilities of employee training against departmentalP&Ps确保部门经理负责员工的培训是遵守部门政策和制度的规定。Produce monthly training reports including:作月度培训报告,包括:
Internal Training Programs conducted:酒店内部的培训课程包括:Who attended 参加者Number of people attended参加培训人数Duration of training培训时长Who trained培训师Cost of delivery (including labor costs)培训费用(包括劳务费)Anticipated return on investment and/or training goal投资的期望回收值或是培训目标
External training programs attended:酒店外部的培训课程包括:Who attended参加者Number of people attended参加培训人数Duration of training培训时长Who trained培训师Cost of delivery (including labor costs)培训费用(包括劳务费)Anticipated return on investment and/or training goal投资的期望回收值或是培训目标
Liaise with other HUAYU Group Training Managers to share experiences and resources 与其他华宇集团的培训经理保持联络,分享培训经验和资源Liaise with educational institutions conducting hospitality and training courses与酒店管理学校保持联系管理培训课程Maintain current information and records of suppliers of training resources and materials保持培训资源和培训资料供应商的最新资料和记录
Delivers briefings of all internal programmes to executive management and department heads介绍所有的内部培训课程给行政管理层和部门经理们
Provides input for probation and formal performance appraisal discussions to Line Managers in line with company guidelines根据集团的方针政策,在员工转正和工作表现评估方面为一线部门经理提供协助Coaches, counsels and disciplines staff, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance指导,劝告和规范员工,为强化工作表现提供建设性反馈Regularly communicates with staff and maintains good relations定期与员工沟通,并与员工保持良好的关系


  • 年龄要求:30-40岁
  • 语言要求:英语-熟练

