1.To maintain a highcustomer service focus by approaching your job with the customers always inmind.在整个工作过程中,始终保持高度的客户服务意识。
2. To have a positiveimpact, taking personal responsibility and initiative to resolve issues, alwaysclearly communicating with both customers and colleagues.持积极的工作态度,做好本职工作,并且主动解决问题,能够始终清晰的与客人或同事进行交流。
3. To contribute ideas and suggestions toenhance operational/environmental procedures in the Hotel.能够提出对酒店的运作及环境有益的意见或建议。
4. To actively promotethe service and facilities of Waldorf Astoria Chengdu and Hilton Hotels toguests and suppliers of the hotel.能够积极的向客人及供应商推荐酒店的服务及设施。
5.To perform all dutiesand responsibilities in a manner that ensures your safety and that of others inyour workplace.在工作过程中能够做好本职工作,保证自己及其他人的安全。
6.Confidently knowing the food and beverage menucontents and is able to explain them in detail to guests.熟悉掌握菜单及饮料单上的内容,并可以详细的给客人做出解释。
7.Understand dietary requirements and offerappropriate suggestions.了解健康食品的要求,并可以给出适当的建议。
8.By completing checklist in product knowledge.能够达到产品知识的要求。
9.Be able to make suggestions on the menu thatmight suit guests of different nationalities.可以根据客人不同的国籍推荐菜单上的食品。
10. By knowing menu items of all other outlets torecommend guests to other outlets.了解其他餐厅的菜肴,以便向客人推荐。
- 语言要求:英语-一般,中国普通话-熟练
- 计算机能力:一般