
广州辉盛阁国际酒店公寓 Fraser Suites Guangzhou

  • 五险一金
  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 管理规范
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 年度旅游
  • 人性化管理
  • 领导好
  • 企业信息
  • 在招职位
The world’s leading serviced apartments and hotel residencesFraser Suites Guangzhou is a 5 star standard Service Apartment,and managed by Frasers Hospitality Pte Ltd. the globally renowned serviced residence owner and Management Company with Gold-Standard properties which across Europe, North and Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Australia. With 80% of our residents from Fortune 500 and Forbes-listed companies, Frasers Hospitality properties are world-class in every respect.Under the Fraser Suites, Fraser Place, Fraser Residence, FraserResort banners, Modena, Capri, through our commitment to continuous innovationin answering the unique needs of every customer.Located in the heart of the modern Tianhe District, Fraser SuitesGuangzhou occupies a prime spot in China’s third largest city.At Frasers, we value our staff, affectionately called Frasians, as individuals having unique capabilities, aptitudes and interests. It is our firm belief in selecting self-driven team players and constantly upgrading them through structured training and roundabout exposures globally.Passionately guided by Frasers' vision and values, our work environment is friendly, intimate and empowering because we care for one another as friends and family. As hospitality professionals, Fraser offers career opportunities for many who desire a fulfilling career with global opportunities.Our commitment to our staff is demonstrated through:-Competitive pay-Comprehensive benefits-Structured training-Individual career planning-Extensive across attachment & global exposure-Engaging innovative work environment-Transparent merit-based rewards/recognition Now you have the opportunity to make a difference too as expand our global footprint and grow with the thriving, vibrant sunshine enterprises.辉盛国际管理有限公司,全球顶级服务式公寓及精品住所的领导者广州辉盛阁国际公寓是由辉盛国际管理有限公司管理的国际五星标准的酒店式公寓。作为总部坐落于新加坡的全球顶级的酒店式服务公寓和金牌标准管理模式的领先者,辉盛管理集团在欧洲,亚洲,中东和澳洲享有盛誉. 我们百分之八十的住客来自世界500强(Fortune 500) 及福布斯企业(Forbes)。旗下的品牌有:辉盛阁, 辉盛坊和辉盛度假村,Modena, Capri. 我们不懈地发展我们的服务及产品,以为满足我们商贸客户及住客的独特需要。广州辉盛阁国际公寓坐落于天河区的中心地带, 位于一座高高耸立的综合性大楼-万菱汇中,临近商业办公区和一座新建的时尚购物中心. 这里是广州这座中国第三大城市的黄金地段,洋溢着现代化的气息。在辉盛, 我们重视员工, 视其为拥有独特天赋, 才能及兴趣的个体. 我们致力挑选自发性强, 合群的员工, 并通过有结构的培训及提供在世界各地的工作机会, 对其不断地加以培训, 帮助其积累经验. 我们视彼此为朋友. 家人, 并给与关怀. 以辉盛愿景及价值为本的工作环境,让人倍感亲切友善和自信. 作为专业的酒店管理集团, 辉盛为渴望拥有充实,有意义的实业的人士提供就业良机.为此, 我们透过完善的福利制度表达我们队我们员工的重视:-极具竞争性的工资-综合福利-有架构的培训-独立的职业规划-广泛的实习机会&国外工作体验-富创意及激发性的工作环境-透明, 基于评审的奖励/表扬我们正在寻找那个充满自信的您, 快来加入这个蓬勃发展的企业, 创造与众不同的未来!...查看全部


地 址:广州市天河路232号之二万菱汇C座-B2层-人力资源部


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