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大中華酒店(香港)有限公司是一家全方位的品牌酒店服务公司,提供世界一流设计与技术服务咨询。大中華酒店(香港)有限公司在大中华地区拓展及管理两大品牌:温德姆至尊豪廷与豪生。Greater China Hospitality (H.K.) Limited is a full-service branded hospitality services company that provides world-class hotel management, design and technical services consultation. GCH currently owns the brand development rights and operates two major brands in the Greater China region: Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale and Howard Johnson.豪生酒店自1999年进入到中国市场后历经飞速的发展壮大。截止目前我们已有170多家国际品质标准的豪生酒店,遍布中国近80个城市。Howard Johnson entered the China market in 1999 and has been expanding ever since. More than 170 premier international-standard Howard Johnson hotels can be found in about 80 cities all around China so far.新余华侨豪生大酒店伫立于新余市城东核心位置,位于渝水区赛维大道与新城大道交汇处,地理位置优越,路网发达,毗邻高新森林公园。酒店距离新余站约15分钟车程,距离南昌昌北国际机场约2小时车程,距离仙女湖风景名胜区仅需35分钟车程。酒店拥有典雅悦动的280间/套豪华客房,独具特色的美食餐厅与大堂吧将为客人奉上难以忘怀的味蕾之旅,设施完善的水疗和健身中心将悉心满足客人闲暇休憩时的一切之需,1200平米无柱式大宴会厅和多功能厅及会议室是客人筹办大型会议、商务活动和盛大婚礼的理想之所。作为新余首家国际品牌五星级酒店,新余华侨豪生大酒店将成为众所瞩目的焦点。Howard Johnson Huaqiao Plaza Xinyu stands in the core position in the east of Xinyu, it is located in the intersection of Saiwei Avenue and Xincheng Avenue, the geographical position is superior with the well-developed transport. It’s about 15 minutes’ drive to the Xinyu High-speed Railway Station, 2 hours’ drive to Changbei International Airport and 35 minutes’ drive to the Fairy Lake Scenic Area. The Hotel has 268 elegant rooms, the unique restaurants and Lobby Bar will provide you with an unforgettable experience, and a well-equipped Spa and Fitness Center ensure relaxing delights for everyone. The hotel’s 1200 square meters pillarless Grand Ballroom and multi-function hall and conference room meet the needs of large conferences, business events or grand weddings. As the first international brand five-star hotel in Xinyu, we will become the focus of public attention.酒店计划于2023年7月试营业,现诚邀热爱酒店行业的您加入我们,实现自我价值,成就非凡梦想!The Hotel will soft open at the Jul of 2023, we cordially invite you who love the hospitality industry to join us, feel welcome and feel valued!...查看全部


地 址:江西省新余市渝水区高新区新城大道1188号