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朗廷酒店集团是一家致力于奢华型酒店管理的国际酒店管理公司,旗下包括朗廷酒店、朗豪酒店和康得思三个五星级酒店品牌,每一家朗廷酒店也秉持伦敦朗廷酒店创于1865年的优良传统,为客人带来诚挚服务、创新设施、触动感观的体验和出众设计。The Langham Hotels and Resorts is a portfolio of luxury hotels in prime destinations. Each The Langham hotel reflects today’s interpretation of Sincere Service, Innovation, Captivation of the Senses and Exceptional Design, all of which originate from our exceptional legacy from London since 1865. Experience our legendary hospitality heritage with a stay at any of our hotels and resorts worldwide.长沙大王山朗豪酒店作为湘江欢乐城的地标建筑,设有295间(套)舒适宜人的客房和套房,给客人带来瑰丽独特的住宿享受与体验。The Langham Place Changsha, a magnificent hotel offers 295 comfortable guest rooms and suites, creates a unique and inspiring experience for every guest.酒店知名中餐厅明阁,为集团连续多年获得米其林星级食府荣誉的姐妹餐厅,色相味俱全的佳肴,让我们全身心感受星级传统中餐的原汁原味。全日制自助餐厅,可体验全球特色美食,开放式厨房可观赏大厨超卓的技艺表演,以创新互动的手法,在宾客面前即席变幻出道道新鲜创意佳肴,绝对是味觉和视觉的双重享受。Our signature Chinese restaurant, Ming Court, is a Michelin Star sister-restaurant which has received an inspiring number of accolades. We follow the Michelin standard in every way to serve our customers to ensure their most enjoyable dining experiences on traditional Cantonese and local cuisines with the authentic and genuine styled deco.风格时尚的酒店大堂酒廊,可以细细品味久负盛名的朗廷英式下午茶及特色鸡尾酒。酒店22楼更设有装潢时尚脱俗的酒吧。Taste a sumptuous buffet and international dishes at The Place where features a tapestry of bright décor, the freshest local ingredients, and an open kitchen that encourages an inter-active dining experience for all guests.在朗豪酒店,无论是盛大宴会、主题晚会还是浪漫婚宴,专业的团队都能尽应所求,以顶级食材,精心创制滋味盛宴,同时展现朗廷一贯的贴心服务。朗廷酒店及度假酒店全球预订中心为您服务,跨越四大洲打造全球宣传及推广计划,以朗廷尊属庆祝优惠预订,为您的重要日子缔造一生难忘的回忆。Not only you can enjoy our Langham’s signature Wedgewood British Afternoon Tea in the Lobby Lounge, we also have the best destination bar on the 22nd floor, for you to feel relax with an artisanal cocktail, fine wine or unique craft beer as you take in the chic, sophisticated atmosphere.Be it a grand soirée, themed gala or wedding banquet, our exceptional team will ensure that a culinary feast is prepared using the finest produce and delivered with The Langham’s service with poise.我们悉心设计的精彩优惠,将呈现在独特的线上、手机和全球预定中心,让每一位客人尽享尊贵会员的各种专属礼遇;或以指定房价入住,即可赚取飞行常客计划合作伙伴的飞行里程。Bespoke benefits, exclusive rewards, enhanced personalized service, and more, our Langham Loyalty programmes enriches and indulges your life when you travel with us everywhere worldwide....查看全部


地 址:长沙市岳麓区坪塘街道狮峰山潭州大道171号


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