
Cachet Boutique Shaoxing 绍兴凯世精品酒店

  • 节日礼物
  • 技能培训
  • 带薪年假
  • 岗位晋升
  • 员工生日礼物
  • 年度旅游
  • 包吃包住
  • 领导好
  • 人性化管理
  • 五险一金
  • 企业信息
  • 在招职位
凯世酒店集团(CSR)是一家集酒店品牌创新和管理于一体的跨国企业,分别在中国上海、墨西哥和美国洛杉矶设有办事处。CSR致力于成为亚太地区和北美地区最具创新意识与社会责任感的酒店集团。CSR已进驻墨西哥和美国市场,现拥有众多项目同时推进,专注于在大中华区、东南亚和美洲地区扩张旗下品牌酒店,并通过旗下创新科技平台提升客户体验。详情请见集团官网:浙江国际赛车场坐落于浙江省绍兴市中,建成后将成为集赛车设施、汽车展厅、精品酒店及餐饮购物于一体的旅游综合体开发项目,不仅将成为车手与赛车爱好者的梦想之地,更将是众多汽车厂商和品牌展示最新车型与科技的理想平台。浙江国际赛车场核心主赛道长3.2公里,由Apex赛道设计有限公司负责设计,是获得国际汽联(FIA)认证的国际标准二级赛道。赛道沿途建有超跑俱乐部、专业驾驶培训学校、商业购物及多功能展示中心等。坐落于浙江国际赛车场内的凯世精品酒店共有52间客房与套房,在设计风格上融贯中西,糅合当地人文景观特色,打造时尚前卫而又别具一格的空间氛围。酒店特色餐厅之一,翡荔阁,将秉承创意“中式料理”的理念,为顾客提供来自中国四地的特色餐饮——麻辣川菜、经典本帮、精致粤菜及北京美食。另一家西餐厅,“Laris扒房”,室内设计典雅别致、简约摩登,主打各式顶级牛排与高档海鲜,配以酒窖珍藏的精品佳酿,呈现完美饕餮艺术。设施齐备的宴会厅与会议室、配有专业运动器械的健身中心与恒温泳池将可满足来自商务与休闲旅客的不同需求。详情请参见集团官网:www.cachethotels.comZhejiang Circuit, located in Shaoxing Zhejiang Province, will be known as the first and only leading destination for race car drivers, motorsport enthusiasts and a platform for automotive brands to debut their latest products. The complex features a 3.2 km FIA Grade 2 racing track designed by Apex Circuit Design, a boutique hotel, multiple restaurants as wellas a motorsport club, driving schools, retail shopping mall, and multiple showrooms.Cachet Boutique Shaoxing 52-room lifestyle hotel will convey a "West meets East" brand story that pays homage to the region's rich cultural heritage,enhanced by modernism, entertainment and innovation.From its roots in the East, the signature restaurant,Philippe by Philippe Chow, an innovative "cuisines of China" concept, will feature cuisines from all four corners of China- ranging from spicy Sichuanflavors and Shanghai dishes to refined Cantonese fare and hearty Beijing cuisine. From the West, Cachet's award-winning steakhouse concept - Porterhouse by Laris- will offer guests a differentiated experience where guests canenjoy wines and cocktails, steaks and seafood while mingling and socializing in a vibrant atmosphere.Event and catering facilities, and state of the artgym and swimming pool facilities offer options for both business and leisure.For more information, please go to查看全部


联系人:Ever liu
地 址:浙江省绍兴市柯桥区柯岩大道1188号


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